Who are you?

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Michael's POV

Red guy: where am I? *pulls out blades and stands his guard*

Me: is this my quirk, *runs up to him and hugs his leg* PLEASE, can you help my mom

Red guy: uh, sure *looks to the crowd and shrugs* beats me.

Me: can you please help my mom, she won't wake up and nothing I do will help

Desdpool: *stops a minute that see if he can assist the situation, he then walks to the biggest guy there, and taps him on the shoulder* hey uh, do you know what's going on with the kid- *falls down to the ground*

Random *Respectful* Thug: oh no, not again

De- I mean, red guy suddenly sat up with a gasp: that was exhilarating, let's try that again shall we

Me: please

Red guy: fine, you know what happened to this kids mom?

Random Thug: she bumped into me and activated my quirk on accident which caused her to go into a coma for god knows how long


Red guy: hmm, give me a minute *leaves the room to a separate room* ooo, a knife *stabs himself in the brain while everyone watching screams in horror*

Red guy at the midpoint of heaven and hell: so, I have a question for God, WHY?

God: *sighs* yes deadpool?

Deadpool: hey god, I was coming to see if this kids mom will wake up soon, his name is Michael I believe if my insanity tells me anything

God: let me see. Nope, not for a long time at least

Deadpool: can't you do something, you are god, Can someone help, HECK I'D TAKE DEATH SAMA AT THIS RATE, oh wait he's probably to busy watching our asses to do shit

Death-sensei:........you know what, fuck you

Deadpool: you know what, I ain't gay, so why can't this kids mom be fixed

God: we can't interfere with things like this, we only decide who go to heaven or hell, but the real question is why are you in a different universe?

Deadpool: how should fucking know. For all I know mistress death could have accidentally isekaid me to another world.

God looks onto Earth to see who this boy is a looks surprised by what he found: oh my, now this is a special one, could be powerful, if he wasn't in excruciating pain from what you did.

Deadpool: what do you mean?

God: the kid just unlocked his quirk, a superpower name in this word, called imagination. this quirk allows him to imagine anything, being human or not, to appear in his grasp or near him. The downside to this power is if he uses it to bring a lot of objects at once or bring huge objects, this would put strain on his body and make him go insane and/or on a rampage.

Deadpool: so by him thinking I could help his mom, he summoned me *looks down in disappointment* and I'm harming him just for being summoned.

God just chuckled: hoho, no. You being summoned was not the problem, he was a little close to going insane, but was still able to thing. YOU STABBING YOUR GOD DAMN HEAD WITH A KNIFE MADE HIM FEEL A SIMILAR PAIN AND COULD KILL HIM. Now, by you trying to talk to me and getting me to save his mom from this coma, you're infact killing the boy that you were trying to help. So if I were you, I'd return back to the living so your regeneration powers would heal you so that he would stop feeling pain.

Deadpool just looked down and nodded: fine, I'll try my best to help the boy though......before I go, HEY DEATH SAMA

Death-sensei: *sigh* 'why does he always cause problems with me' yes?

Deadpool pulls out a guitar:

As he hopped out into the land of the living

God just started snickering at Death

Death-sensei while grumbling: shut it

Back to the hospital

Deadpool gasps as he sits up on a medical be scaring the doctors: sorry, I got a kid to find *he says as he leaves speachless doctors, one with the same knife Deadpool had in him, in his hand*

Good thing for Deadpool, Trixie's room was not that far from his so he stepped in and had a little chat with Richard.

Richard: ok, so let me get this straight, you were summoned by my son's quirk and then automatically killed yourself not realizing that you harmed my son while doing that, to talk to God himself to help my wife, told off about that, flipped off Death while telling him to eat a *looks at Michael to see him looking intently at the discussion*.....and then came back to see if you could help in any other way.

Deadpool: that pretty much sums it up, sooo, all that we need now is a good old time skip to get out of this awkward situation

Richard: what do you mean-

Time skip to later

Deadpool: thank you for that

Michael: who are you talking to?

Deadpool: you'll understand when you're older, say how bout you go to sleep, I believe you have school and tomorrow

Michael: how did you kno-

Deadpool: shush shush shush shush, less talking, more sleeping

Michael: fine

Deadpool: so, am I allowed to stay since I can't leave this place?

Richard: I thought you were allowed to leave my son?

Deadpool: I am, I just don't have a home, plus if I get injured, he gets injured so he ain't going to be around if I die again....at least until he gets a better grip on his quirk.

Richard sighed: fine, but no funny business

Deadpool: but funny is my middle name, Dead 'Funny' Pool

Richard: just go to bed

Deadpool: sure *pulls a inflatable bed out of nowhere and inflates it* ah this is the life *plots on it....only for it to deflate*deflates god damnit, I forgot how much these things suck

Richard: how did you? I thought your quirk was regeneration?

Deadpool: my "quirk" is regeneration, but what are you talking about, I always keep my gear on me. How bout this *pulls out a hammock and pins it up in the living room and laws down in it* there we go

Richard just stares in disbelief and puts his hand to his face: god this is going to be a long and stressful time taking care of something like this

Deadpool: it could be worse, you could have a demi reaper as the one being here and just causing problems trying to capture souls, me......I'm an assassin.

Richard quickly got into a fighting pose and stood his ground: if you're an assassin, how do I know what your doing is actually true to what you told us......I don't we want my sun to live without his parents, but now I just have to take care of him more since I'm the only one he has left.....so what funny business do you want with this family?

Deadpool: I guess I'll be your sun's body guard when I'm allowed to be around him, stop those who try to hurt or abduct him for villains, those type things, maybe even teach him some combat.

Richard: you know what, fine.....if you really are going to do this, I need to set some ground rules

Deadpool: fire away *while he twirls a gun on his fingers*

Richard: number one, no weapons being used in those house or outside of it unless to defend him or others, number two, you can not go to school with him. Number 3, don't cuss around my son. Got it?

Deadpool: got it *turns on his side* good night

Richard just sighed walking to his sons room and peered in to see his son asleep with tears in his eyes, he walked over and tucked him in to the bed and left to his room.

If I was a Mha character.....in Another Story.Where stories live. Discover now