- Class Fight - (3

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"What's your problem? I wasn't even talking to you", Kelly laughed. She had an awfully cruel grin on her face, and her eyes gazed over me. She let her gaze fall on my friends behind me, and her face filled with an angry expression. She stomped towards us, shoving everyone in her way aside. Kelly moved past me, throwing me on the ground in the sand. She was going for Crybaby.

I felt dizzy because of how hard I'd hit the ground, but vaguely heard Angelita cry out "watch out!" to warn Crybaby. It was too late though, as Kelly slapped Crybaby in the face and pinned her down on the ground. Kelly positioned herself on Crybaby and started slapping Crybaby's cheeks with full force. All the other people on the playground had gathered around us, and were now loudly chanting "Fight! Fight! Fight!" as they watched. Angelita was being held back by a few girls, who screamed as she saw Kelly pull out a knife.

[ I won't be writing about what happens when Kelly uses the knife. as I understand it could be triggering for some.]

I sat straight up as I heard the chanting go quieter and saw Angelita smile. I looked up and saw Crybaby's eyes taking the colour of solid black, as she rose up and floated in the air, taking Kelly with her up.

"What are you doing?! Put me down you freak!", Kelly shouted in a voice filled with fear, which was unusual for her. Crybaby's eyes quickly went back to their normal colour, before changing back to black as her braids shot forward and wrapped themselves around Kelly's throat. Kelly gasped for air, and just before she choked Crybaby let go, and Kelly fell to the ground right next to me. Crybaby gently landed, and as I was about to cheer her on I heard a familiar whistle. I looked up and saw Mrs Daphne standing there, angrily looking at all of us.

"Shit", I whispered as I made eye contact with Crybaby. This was not good.

AN: [ Hello!! It's been a while... A long, long while. But finally I'm back! Have this short chapter while I work on the rest. I hope everyone is okay and healthy! <3 ]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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