"Why? this is our first gig." Julie said sounding a little disappointed.

"Well, my parents just told me some information - which I'll tell you and Flynn tomorrow - but I really don't feel like I have the right to just ditch them. I think it was a big thing, telling me." Luka explained.

Julie sighed, "Okay, but after this, there's no more ditching the band."

"Thanks for understanding, appreciate it. Bye." Luka said.

"See ya," Julie said and hung up.


"We're sorry!" Reggie sang and stepped out from behind Luke.

"So sorry!" Alex sang and did the same.

"We're super-duper, crazy, stupid-" Luke sang.

"-sorry!" they all three sang.

"In case you missed it, we're really sorry," Reggie said.

"Yeah, I... I got that part." Julie said.

"They've been here for like three hours." Luka said as she stood up from the couch, "They almost sang for Carlos."

"He comes in here a lot. Mainly to use the bathroom." Reggie explained.

"Yeah. It's not our favorite part of the day." Alex added.

It was silent for a little, "And?" Luka asked, urging the guys to apologize.

"Right, look, it wasn't okay that we flaked on the dance last night. We know we let you down." Luke explained.

"Yeah, and none of us wanted to disappoint you," Alex added, "You're the best thing that's happened to us since we became ghosts."

"So, in hopes that you guys will rejoin the band, we booked a new gig," Luke explained handing Julie a piece of paper.

"A mega important, life-changing gig," Reggie added.

"Wait, what do you mean 'you guys?" Julie asked.

"When I heard what happened, I quit too," Luka explained, and Julie accepted the explanation with a nod.

"Anyways, check it out. Tons of managers go here to listen to new bands." Luke explained, "All we gotta do is blow them away, and we'll be livin' the dream."

"So this means a lot to you, huh?" Julie asked, Luka knew where this was going, "Kinda how playing in front of my whole school meant a lot to me."

"Sounds like sarcasm." Reggie thought aloud, and with a gasp, he whispered, "I'm starting to think our plan isn't working."

"Look, we know we messed up," Alex said.

"But we need you guys in the band," Luke said.

"Well duh, because without us, nobody can see you when you play," Luka said.

"You know, I thought that the music we were writing was special, but you're too obsessed with your past to even care." Julie pointed out.

"I do care." Luke defended, "Our band has a great chance at greatness. I'm not gonna let that get away from us again."

"Uh-huh. Right. So then why did you bail on me to get back at Trevor?" Julie asked, "I'll tell you why, 'cause there's only one thing you care about, and that's yourself." and with that, she walked back up to the.

Luka watched her go, "Sorry, guys. But seriously? Did you really think that that was gonna work?" she asked.

"We-" Alex began.

"Forget it." Luka interrupted, "I gotta get home." she said, hopped on her bike, and silently drove home.

She still hadn't told Julie, nor Flynn about who the birthday belonged to. She just simply hadn't had time. It was also the reason why she hadn't gone to school that day.

When she got home, she didn't say anything she just walked into the kitchen hugging her mom.

"Did you tell her?" Emily asked.

"No, um, band troubles," Luka answered, and Emily nodded.

She went into her room and grabbed her guitar.

When she got back into the kitchen, she saw Luke just sitting on the counter. She furrowed his eyebrows, and Luke followed. Neither said anything, just trying to enjoy the silence.

She sat down on one of the four chairs, which were placed around the table, her parents taking two of the others.

Mitch lit the single candle on the cake, and Luka watched as Luke walked over and blew it out.

Her parents looked around, trying to make sense of what had happened.

Luka looked at Luke, she was trying to figure out why he'd done it. Maybe he wanted to be nice... but then it dawned on the fifteen-year-old.

Luke was Luke.

She smiled at him with tears in her eyes as he sat down on the fourth chair.

Luka held one of her mother's and one of her father's hands, while their remaining ones laid palm up for Luke to hold. He looked unsure of whether to do so but decided not to.

Mitch lit the candle once again, and together all four blew it out together.

After a little birthday song, played by Luka, she asked to be excused and headed outside, signaling for Luke to follow.

It was quiet between the two, neither of them knew what to say.

"Are we-" Luka said.

"Are-" Luke said.

The two looked at each other.

"Is it your birthday?" Luka asked, feeling really dumb.

"Y- yeah," Luke said with a little sniffle.

"Wait, and- and this," Luka said and looked and the house, "this is your house?"

"Yeah, well, you know, it used to," he said.

"So, you're Luke. The Luke?" she asked.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"That's my house, those are my parents. Mitch and Emily," she explained.

"Wait, so you're-" he paused, "What? But that would make us siblings?" he said.

"They told me yesterday, I have a dead brother, Luke," she said.

"I have a sister?" he said confused.

"I have a brother?" she said with a smile.

It wasn't awkward at all. The sorrowful day, wasn't quite as sad anymore.

The two hugged, which really surprised them.

"We gotta tell Julie." Luka said and grabbed her bike, "I'll meet you there."

"Yeah," Luke nodded and poofed out.

Words: 1502

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