12 year anniversary

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it's october 8th, 2021, jim and pam's 12th wedding anniversary. it's a normal friday, and the couple are alone for the night. cece and phillip are at their grandparents house, so the pair don't have company until the next afternoon.

"beesly," jim yells out when he gets home from work.
"halpert, heyyy how was work," pam walks up to him and kisses him. it had felt like a very long time that he'd been gone, especially because they were adjusting being back at work after the pandemic.

"get some popcorn and come sit, i wanna give you your present," jim tells pam.
"oooo, gifts!" pam says.

the pair run off in seperate ways, jim changing into comfortable clothes, and both grabbing gifts for each other. they meet back on the couch in the living room, jim acting four and running and jumping on top of a calm looking pam.

"JIM" she screams laughing. they both giggle as they arrange themselves opposite each other.
"you first," jim says to pam. she hesitates, and hands him her present. he opens it, and finds a card with them painted on the front of it, and airplane tickets so the couple can get a weekend away in scranton with their close friends, dwight and angela.

"beesly oh my god! thank you!" jim explains excitedly. he hasn't seen their closest friends in almost three years due to their busy lives, and of course, the pandemic.
jim holds pam, and kisses her deeply. it had been a while since they'd been alone together, so he really took advantage of the lack of screaming kids.
when the pair pull away, pam with a pink glow on her cheeks, she demands her present.

"okay but this isn't anywhere as good as yours, pam," jim tells her. she scoffs in disbelief. he always says the same thing, and his presents end up ten times better than pam's.

she rips it open, and finds a dvd, with a note attached to it.

12 years we've been married. known each other for almost 20, and been together for 15. we have a tape of our lives, yet we never watch it.
i've compiled all my favourite memories of us from the documentary, and we're gonna sit here tonight with red wine and fancy food, and laugh about how dorky my hair is and how cute your curls were.
i love you. happy anniversary, cheese
lots of love, pickles

pam finds tears in her eyes as she reads this note. "i cannot tell you how many times i've almost brought out the old box set!" she explains to jim whilst sniffing. he grabs her in his arms, pulling her close. "well, beesly, tonight seems like the perfect night," he says. "and when you want to rewatch it all, you can skip everything you don't want to see, and can just see young us."

the smiles between the pair are so big as they make dinner and blaring music. at one point, they even slow dance in each other's arms and almost burn their dinner. they laugh uncontrollably, just enjoying each other's presence.

by the time the pair sit down on the couch after dinner, it's almost 8:30. they have glasses of red wine, some popcorn, and are curled up holding each other. life was perfect.

"so, you ready?" jim asks her.
"as ready as i'll ever be," pam responds.
thank god jim had loaded the dvd previously to them sitting down, because neither wanted to get up again.
jim clicks play on the remote, and pam realises the duration of the video.

"three hours?!" she asks.
"it's just the favourites, be grateful," jim responds, and pulls her tightly as the first clips start.

"oh my god my hair! your hair!" pam fusses when she sees a clip from diversity day in season one.
"not a bad day," jim pops up on the screen.
"oh god i didn't know you filmed that," pam smiles at him cutely.
"i'm a lot more secretive than you think, beesly, just keep watching," he flirts back.

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