"Makes situations easier for me," he says with a chuckle.

This brings a small smile to her face. Once the elevator opened, they walked down the hall, approaching a white wooden door. Clint opens it and a messy room is revealed.

"You're not very tidy, are you?" she asked, walking into the room.

"I'm never in here long enough to be clean," he says with a shrug.

Clint offer's Natalia the bed and he grabs some blankets and sleeps on the couch. Natasha lies awake. Why is he so nice to me? Maybe he is just waiting for the right to kill me. It had been two days and the two were quiet with each other. But they felt comfortable with each other. Clint was sleeping and Natasha had just drifted off to sleep when she heard a noise. Grabbing the gun, she had under her pillow, hops out of the bed and creeps around the hotel room. She quietly passes Clint who was sprawled out on the couch. She then recognizes a voice and she froze.

"Natalia, you are going soft, are you?" the voice says.

She spun around to find a guy in a suit with three bulky guys dressed like guards.

"No sir," she says, trembling slightly.

"Then finish the job. Kill him. Then we can go home." he says, indicating the gun in her hand. He smiles crookedly and then left the hotel room.

She walks over to where her new friend, her teenage love was sleeping. Tears began to well in her eyes. She pointed the gun at his stomach. He stirs and opens his eyes. Suddenly his soft, grey eyes, were filled with fear and confusion. Natalia had tears flowing down her face.

"I'm sorry Clint. I hope you can forgive me. I love you." with that, she pulls the trigger and Clint falls to the ground, stomach bleeding out, staining his grey t-shirt.

She dropped her gun and fell to her knees. Suddenly, people came swarming into the room. A kind of bald guy in a suit runs to Clint, trying to stop the bleeding. She knew he wasn't going to make it. She suddenly felt someone grab her wrist and pull her onto the balcony. It was the suited guy again. The bulky guards cuffed the still sobbing teen and took her onto a helicopter.

(5 years later)

"You wanted to see me, sir?" Clint said, opening the door of his boss' office.

"Have a seat Agent Barton." Director Furry says. Clint sits down in one of the chairs in front of the large wooden desk. "I have a mission for you."

Furry pushes a folder in front of Clint. He picks the folder up and reads who his target was. The Black Widow. A crazy killing assassin trained by the Red Room in Russia. Fun. He thinks. "So, what do you want me to do with her?" he asks, looking up from the file.

"I want you to eliminate her. She is a danger to society, and we can't have anyone more incident lives lost." Furry said, sitting back in his chair. "Understand what has to be done, Agent?"

"Yes sir," Clint says, shutting the file.

"Good. You are on a plane to Budapest in 2 hours." Furry then motions for him to walk out.

Clint walks through the halls to his room, where he grabbed a bag and started throwing bits and pieces he needed. Once he was finished, he headed for the jet that was waiting for him. He sat down and looked through the file once more but read it properly.

She was trained in the Red Room which was based in Russia. She was better known as the Black Widow. She had a very special and complicated skill set. She is trained in knives, guns, and hand-to-hand combat. Why does this girl sound so familiar? Ugh, and I hate Budapest. Memories of that red-haired girl who I developed feelings for when I was 16 always came flooding back when I was in Budapest.

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