I decided to take Sprite out for dinner. There was this sandwich place around the corner that she wanted to try. She pretended to be all cool with her sunglasses and strutting into the restaurant, while I was behind her. She slouches in her chair, and lazily looks at the menu.

"Is this an apology for yesterday?" She puts her sunglasses on the tip of her nose.

"Nope. Still mad about that." I said without looking at her. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.

"Are you and your daughter ready to order?" Sprite hated it when they referred her as my daughter. HATED it.

"What makes you think we look alike pal?" She turns to him. The waiter stood there stunned.

"Sprite." I growled.

"Fine. Ill have the grilled cheese with Pepsi." She hands him the menu. I gave him a smile as it was my turn.

"Ill have the blt with lemonade, thank you." He nods and walks away. "Listen, I know you are mad because of Kingo leaving you and me treating you like a child, just know that I want whats best for-"

"I'm moving in with Ajak." The words hit me. She didn't look at me or move, she just sat there.

"Oh..." it all that slipped out. This did hurt me. I was going to say more but the waiter was coming our way. I didn't want to be awkward.

"Here you go, pepsi and a lemonade." The waiter comes in setting our drink down. I forced a smile and he left. I gave it a moment so I can start again.

"When did this happen?"

"Last week. Im moving with her next week."

"Wow..." i was trying to wrap my head around this. "Is that what you want?"


"And that makes you happy?"

"God Celeste." Sprite pinches her nose, done with everything. "Just be happy that you don't have to care for me anymore. Stop treating me like a child." She slams her hands on the table.

"Sorry that i care about you!" I moved closer to the table, trying not to get attention to us.

"Heres some ketchup and ranch for the fries." The waiter comes by again, i just nodded my head.

"If you are doing this-

"Just because you couldn't get Druig to stay with you, doesn't mean you have to do it to me." I sat back, stunned., hurt again. She knew how to push it.

"Thats not fair." I said, trying not to cry. "Leave Druig out of this, he has nothing to do about anything of this. This is  between me and you." I pointed to her and me. "Say it, you hate me."

"I do hate you!" She explodes. "You live a perfect life! Men drooling over you, perfect smile, you know what to say when you flirt, you dont get red, youre pretty, im stuck in a child's body for the rest of eternity!"

"You think im perfect? Nobody is. Its not my fault Arishem made you this way, I don't have the answers for that. Im trying my best here, but you are so-"

"Do you need more-" the waiter pops out of nowhere and I just snapped.

"Dude! If we need anything we will call you over!" I closed my eyes from what I did, apologizing right away. He later leaves and i finished my sentence. "You are so selfish!"

"Oh yeah!?"

"Yes!" I yelled. Now everyone was turning back, whispering to each other. "You are so jealous of me, the relationship between Sersi and Ikaris, you just love to hurt us, but you don't see that you're the one hurting."

"At least I didn't push away my feelings because I was so scared of hurting them, thats why you stopped talking to Druig and started dating Loki!"

"Stop that!" I pointed at her, angry.

"Or at least I dont sob over a stupid photo and wish everything is back to normal! Or cry to sleep about Druig!"

"Enough!" I slammed my hands on the table.

"I cant wait to leave you! No wonder Druig never came back for you!" Right there, right there shot me. I leaned back, putting myself together. My nose was burning, eyes teary, throat throbbing from trying not to cry.

"Here's your food..." He sets the plates down. Sprite looks away from me.

"Excuse me." I managed to get up and go to the bathroom. I got into a stall and silently cried. Sprite definitely pushed it too far when she even brought up Druig.

"Are you sure you dont want to come with us?" Ajak asks me as she shut the trunk. Sprite was actually leaving and I didn't want to stop her.

"No, ill be okay." I put my hands in my sweater. "Just let her do her thing." I saw her in the passenger sit, playing with her gameboy, barely acknowledging me.

"She will apologize one day." Ajak came closer to me, putting her hands on my shoulders.

"I dont care." I really didnt. I just want her to be happy and if she isn't happy here then what more can i do? "Take care of her."

"I always have." Ajak takes one last look at me, placing her hand on my cheek, smiling softly. "Goodbye Celeste, you be good. You're doing amazing." I haven't heard those words in my existence, and it felt good.

"Bye Ajak." She gets in her car, waving. Sprite glanced at me but didn't meet my eyes. I awkwardly waved but out my hands back in my pockets. I watched them drive off, left alone again.

I headed back upstairs to my quiet home. It was weird in a way, no loud music, no Sprite asking ridiculous questions. Her room door was closed so I went open it and saw that she left the stereo, some rock posters, and she left a note on the bed.

Im sorry

I teared up and held the note and looked around the room again.

"Me too."

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