"Thanks for helping." I cleaned the place up and went to my room, showered, sat on my bed and read. It was getting late and i knew i had a early morning tomorrow so I marked my place and turned off my lights. Finally, my bed. Ive been dreaming of it since second period.

I fallen asleep, all nice and cozy until music blasted, the bed shook from the bass and the frames started shake. Sprite. I put on my robe and came out of my room, just as when I was going to yell at her, there was a banging at the door. This isn't going to be good.

"Mr. Anderson!" One of our cranky older man that lives in the building. He hated my guts for some reason. I didn't even talk to him.

"You have any idea what time it is?! You tell that daughter of yours to keep it down!" He starts yelling through the music. "Im going to have to talk to the front and tell them to have you both evicted! One more strike and youre done!"

"I understand sir! Ill tell her!"

"You better! Im not playing around anymore!" I smiled, nodding, shut the door in his face. I turned to see Sprites door. I had enough. It was 2 in the morning.

"Me either." I charged at the door, unlocked or not, I opened the door with my magic and Sprite jumps from her bed.

"Hey!" She yells as I unplugged the stereo. "I was listening to that!"

"Not anymore." I grabbed the cord and waved in her face. "We've had complaints about us, you! I had enough being the nice guy. No more stereo, no more late night stuff. Im taking it all away!"

"Thats not fair!"

"It is, this is my roof and-" god i was sounding like Ikaris. I nearly gagged. The Walkman was on the dresser and I tossed it to her. "Here, listen to that, full volume and all, I dont care. I have work in 3 hours."

"I dont want your old ass walkman, I want a CD-"

"Sprite! Shut up! Go to bed!" I slammed the door behind me and mumbled some swear words under my breath and jumped into bed. The warmth of the bed was gone, i tossed and turned, losing my sleepiness. Just count down, that helps right? 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5- my alarm went off. There no fucking way! No! It was already 5 am. I put the pillow in my face and screamed.

I was pissed, slamming my drawers, burned myself with my coffee, poked my eye with the mascara wand. I knew it was going to be such a wonderful day- NOT! I slammed the door on my way out, teleported to the school.

"Morning class, sorry for the wait. Today we are going to learn about Dissecting a frog." I clapped my hands together and turned to the kids. A few girls yelped and had a look of terror.

"Ms Von!" She points at my shoulder. There was a spider crawling up. I didn't flinch or showed that I was scared, I simply scooped it up and let it walk in my hand. I was new to the school, a lot kids, bad ones, wanted me to quit, they did mean pranks, stole my belongings, scared me. All because they are too cool, love to see a teacher break. Due to my time here on Earth, nothing scares me, i mean i fought Deviants for crying out loud.

"You know." I walked around the classroom. "A lot of people have tried to scare me in a lot of different ways." I still was playing around with large spider, girls backing up as I got close. "And you know what I learned?" I looked up. "Im a lot braver than people think." I put the spider on Teddys desk. It was his pet tarantula. He did talk about it once. "Next time Teddy, if you really want me gone, bring in my family, that scares me the most." He gulps and I headed back on the lesson.

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