Entry VIII

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June 12, 1989

Dear Coco,

Something terrible has happened, Coco, I could hardly even speak. I hoped that my brother, Louis-Joseph. My beloved sibling, my brother was no longer here with us. The funeral was held today, but me nor my parents was permitted to see or attend the funeral because of the French tradition that kings and queens can't associate themselves with the sick or dead.

I can't stop myself from crying, Coco, and I could hardly write. First, my sister, Sophie is gone, and now Louis-Joseph is gone as well.

Dear Louis-Joseph, if you are seeing this, I love you my beloved brother and I will honor you for the rest of my life. Please take care of yourself and our sister, Sophie, and I will await until we are together again. I miss you, dear brother, I miss you so dearly. Mother, father, Louis-Charles and I adore and miss you since the day you were brought away from us

Sincerely, Marie Thérèse

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