2. Settling In, Still Staying Cautious

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Totally didn't ditch this and update my oneshots...nooooo...

I'm challenging myself to make the chapter names long, so if it doesnt make sense, I'm sorry-

When your phone and your computer files are being dicks so you cant upload images: ;(

So its not my original plan, because I can't get the image I want, so yea, but it is similar.

Lol, anyways time is irrelevant, God can go fuck himself, and be yourself, because nobody's gonna remember the weird shit you did in your life.


TW: Eating disorder, bottling up emotions (mood), implied neglect, mentions of sick, mentions of being malnourished 


Tommy pov

I woke up and looked around. Oh yea. We were getting fostered by Phil. I glanced out the window, looking at what I could only assume was Phil's neighbourhood. I caught a glance of a boy about my age sitting in his front garden, seeming to be interested in some bee's buzzing around him.  He reminds me so much of Him.... 

Suddenly, we turned into a driveway. A quiet gasp escaped my lips. I was so caught up in staring at the boy, I didn't even register how big the houses were. Then I remembered. I know nothing about the man in front of me. 

'L, should've payed attention then'

'Dang, you really going at it, huh?'

'Lol, its how I roll'

-Mans really is taking after me-


'+69 Respect'

'Ayyy, its the funny number'

'why is it funny?'

'My man-' 

'Its just funny-'

'...I'm closing google now..'


'Bish we dont even have google at our disposal-'

-Bruhhhhh, why?-

'Why hello Author, these idiots are being...well...idiots'


-Why do I do this to myself?-

'shshshshshsh, stop breaking the fourth wall. It gets annoying when TheFourthWallRebuilder gets tagged-'

'You love us really'

((A/N. I'm sleep deprived, stfu-))

I tuned out the voices as always, following Wilbur out the car, bag in hand. It's amusing to listen to the voices arguing. They were my only source of entertainment when I couldn't talk to my brothers in the foster homes. We reached the front door, where Phil had opened the door. The inside looked modern, but still had that homely feeling. "Well boys, this is your new home. I'll show you to your rooms, and you can unpack while I start cooking dinner." Said Phil. He led us up some stairs, and showed us our rooms. "This room is mine." He pointed to the closest door to us. "The room at the end of the hall is a bathroom, and you guys can pick whichever room you want out of the remaining three." He smiled, while pointing at each room. He then went downstairs to start cooking.

-Time skip because I need to do homework ((DO YOU HOMEWORK CHILDREN))-

I was done packing away my things pretty quickly, seeing as I only really had clothes to put away. I had a few knickknack's I needed to put away too. I saw a  desk sitting in the corner, and placed them on there. It wasn't much, just a book on Greek Mythology and a cow plushie I named Henry. Sure, I may be fourteen, but I've had that toy since I was four. I've grown attached to it, seeing as it was the last thing my parents gave me before.....

There's no reason to dwell to much on the past! I've kept my emotions bottled and secure for a while now, seeing as the last time I opened up, He died....Its Fine! I put the rest of my stuff on my desk, which were a couple more books, and a sketchbook and pencils. I kept the keychain, and put it around my neck, hidden under my shirt. ((A/N: He put it on a string when he arrived at Phil's home to keep it safe.)) After I was finished, Phil called from downstairs, meaning that food was done. 

I was dreading going downstairs to eat. Its not like I don't want to, its just I cant. I feel sick whenever I eat large amounts of food, and I'm not used to eating much anyways.


Wilbur pov

After Phil left, we all silently went into a different room each. I started putting my clothes in the closet in the room. I put my notebook containing all my music notes on the shelf above my bed. I took out my stuffed Orca, and set it down on my bed. I grabbed my earphones and phone, and laid down hugging my Orca, listening to music.

((A/N: He has a phone because in the last foster home they gave all three of them a phone, cause they were actually nice. I'll dive into why they left later on. >:) ))  

A couple minutes later, Phil called us down for food. I am pretty hungry. I wonder what we're eating as I step out of my room, seeing Tommy there. We talked while walking downstairs to the dining room, where we were met with techno already there, eating pasta. I go to sit down, and turn back to see Tommy still standing in the doorway. I motioned for him to sit down, but he just softly shook his head. Suddenly Phil emerges from the kitchen carrying three plates of pasta. he sets them down, then looks up to see Tommy standing in the doorway still.


Tommy pov (sorry for all the pov changes, idk if imma do a techno pov tbh-)

"Hey Toms, come sit down and eat." Phil said with a smile. I shifted at the nickname. Only my father is allowed to say that name...

'But he is your father dipshit-'

'Imma need you to s t o p-'

'make me'



'I hate you with every fibre of my being..'

'Your a voice, you don't have a being idiot'

Ignoring the voices, I shook my head. "C-can I eat in my room..?" I asked quietly. "Sure mate, that's fine!" Phil replied. He still had that smile on his face. It was starting to get slightly annoying. Pretending. Pretending to care. He's the same as them all. Well...not the same as my last family...but I lost them, so even if Phil is nice, I'm gonna lose him too. I shouldn't get attached. 

I grab my plate, muttering a quiet 'Thanks', before heading upstairs. Once in my room, I lock the door and throw out my food into the bin next to my desk. I get changed into a hoodie and sweatpants, grab Henry, and covered myself with the soft blanket on my bed. I cuddled Henry close to me, and felt sleep envelope me.


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