Start from the beginning

"You gave me money to spend so i spent it, not my fault you suddenly want to put rules on how i spend money" you argued back.

She stood up straight and took a deep breath in "you know what i can't deal with you right now"

"good because me either so..." you turned your head to look at the door "the doors that way"

"you know just because he isn't here anymore doesn't mean you have to be a bitch to all of us (y/n)" she said before turning to leave the room.

"and you know, just because you only have two children now doesn't mean you have to disregard one for the other" her face dropped once the sentence left your mouth and she was speechless, she held back her words and walked out of the room.

You grabbed the remote and started to play the show once again "that was really harsh (y/n)"

You rolled your eyes at your dad's comment "you know what else is also really harsh? the fact that Elijah died" you glared up at your dad and his eyes fell to the floor.

"(y/n) it's Christmas so please just try being nice"


"(y/n)!" you heard your dad shout out from downstairs but you didn't have any energy to move your body.

You were comfortably tucked into your bed and the warmth right now was just perfect and you didn't want to disturb that.

"(y/n) you need to come downstairs now" your dad said as he suddenly opened your door, you couldn't read his expression like usual which worried you. Your eyes darted to your cabinet drawer and your heart was starting to beat faster than usual.

You slung the bed cover back and climbed out of the bed while following your dad down the stairs, Nova was lurking outside her door watching you with a grin on her face and you just knew whatever they were going to say wasn't going to be good.

As you walked into the dinning room all your stuff was on the table, your pills, your alcohol bottles and your weed.

You didn't even want to step any further into the room because you knew this would just end in an argument.

"you told me you stopped" your mom said as she was at the end of the table. She looked furious while your dad was just staring at everything on the table.

"I say a lot of shit doesn't mean it's always true" you said as you stood near the door so that you had an easy escape.

"I also got told that you dropped out of school on the last day" she said as she decided to ignore your comment.

"who told you that?" you asked because you knew the school didn't call up otherwise they would have done it earlier.

"I did" you heard Nova's stupid voice say from outside the door, you turned your head to glare at her and you saw her wearing her usual shit eating grin.

You mentally measured the distance between the two of you and the distance between you and your parents and figured you had a good couple of seconds before your parents could reach you.

You reached out of the door and instantly latched onto her hair allowing you to stop her from running from you, you used her hair to pull her towards you before you slammed her into the door "YOU NEVER KNOW HOW TO SHUT THAT MOUTH OF YOURS!" you shouted as you repeatedly slammed her against the door.

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