Chapter 37

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     The first time that Jihyuk knew what fear felt like was when Sangin had told him that Jieun left Seoul and had dismissed him from his job. He didn't fear for his life but hers because, at that time, she was going to be in even more danger, and without her by his side, he wouldn't be able to protect her. The second time he felt fear? It was when Sangil had called him to inform him that his mother was exactly where he didn't want her to be. The third time? It was seeing his mother pressed up against the one person who was threatening the woman that he loved since the very beginning, and now he had his hands on his mother, the only family he had left.

     "Omma," Jihyuk's voice croaked out. He was not looking at Daeyoung. He kept his attention on his mother. "Omma," he said again, prompting her to look at him. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be back in Seoul. Where you were supposed to be safe." His voice wavered. Dame smiled at him, but it was rather heartbreaking for him to see. "I couldn't bear the thought of you hunting down a dangerous criminal. I don't want to lose you again." She said, her voice thick.

     "Okay, this is emotional and all, this reunion, but we have bigger matters to talk about," Daeyoung said in a boring voice. Jihyuk looked back at Daeyoung. "What are you trying to do again? We've done this before, Daeyoung ssi. And it never ends well for you." He had expected Daeyoung to get angry by his remark, but what he got was a grin. "We'll see. First, I need you to drop your gun and slide it to me. This knife is starting to get old."

     Didn't want to upset him as his mother was in his grasp, Jihyuk did as he was told.

     "That's more like it. Now, Lee Jihyuk ssi. Let's make a deal." Daeyoung turned to Jihyuk. "I will let your mother go, and you can arrest me. In exchange for Sujin ssi to go. I'll admit to all charges against her as I'm the one executing the crimes. She didn't do anything."

     Jihyuk looked at him for a long time, before he said, "I can't do that. Because Sujin ssi had admitted to all charges. Willingly." He added. He had his eyes on the gun in his hand. He needed to seize the right opportunity to take him down without getting his mother hurt. 

     "What?" Daeyoung couldn't believe what he was hearing. He dropped the gun that was in his hand for a millisecond and Dame seized the chance to kick him in the shins and escaped from his grasp. Jihyuk lunged towards her to pull her out of harm's way.

      Recovering from the shock, Daeyoung lunged at Jihyuk, plunging the knife in his direction. Jihyuk worked to avoid the knife, dodging left to right. His peripheral vision kept the focus on his mother who was staggering away. His momentary distraction gave Daeyoung the opportunity to jam the knife into his left arm. He winced at the pain but managed to hold the knife from plunging into his flesh further as he pushed the knife against Daeyoung's hand as hard as he could. Daeyoung staggered at his force and fell backward. Jihyuk pounced on him despite his injured arm as he took a swing on him, causing the latter to drop the knife. "This. is. For. hurting. My mother." Each punch was full force. "And this -huff- is for -huff -Jieun ssi." He swung his fist on Daeyoung's jaw in full blow and a second later he was on the ground, bleeding and huffing.

     Jihyuk wasn't done. He limped towards his fallen figure, hands still balled into fists. He was furious. Furious at the figure who hurt his mother, hurt his love, and at that moment he didn't think of the consequences of what his actions were going to be. He had only one thing in his mind. He was going to kill him.

      Jihyuk felt a hand on his arm. He stopped in his tracks. He turned to find his mother looking back at him. "That's enough, Jihyuk ah." She pleaded. He looked back at Daeyoung who was still on the ground and was breathing heavily. Jihyuk made another step. His mother tugged on his arm again. "Don't let him get to you. Don't let him ruin you." She pleaded again.

As I have nothing to give you, I give you my heart (IU Verse Book#1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن