Red Light, Green Light

22 1 1

Adam POV:
So when i get in the black car i got in here. Maybe this is the job that i get i guess. And i have a number 427 and i am in a green jacket with a tshirt on it.

Justin POV:
So how do i get in here if i just go in the black car with a green shirt and jacket with a number 111?. I guess this is the job?, and there is a lot of people in here tho.

Hi players Welcome into Squid Game. Each of you will gonna play a game if you lose you will get eliminated.
Our first game will start in 5 minutes. Just follow the red guards to go in the area.

5 minutes later

They follow the guards in to the area and they saw a doll witha 2 guards in there.

Adam POV:
Wow there is the doll in there and a 2 guards. I saw a man that has a purple hair like Justin's hair but that is not him maybe its just a coinsidence.

This game is called Red Light Green Light. Go when it shout GREEN LIGHT and stop when it shout RED LIGHT. If you move when it red light you will get eliminated.

Justin POV:
Wow this game is easy.

The game started.

They saw a man that moved when it shout red light. He got eliminated and they heard a G*n sh0t. They continue playing it until they saw a blood at the man that got eliminated. Some of the people died because they got scared at the g*n sh0t.

Few minutes later

They only got 30 minutes to get in the red line. The doll said red light and Justin almost got eliminated because he will gonna fall in any second but a guy took his hoodie and hold him tight.

Adam POV:
Ahhh this purple hair guy is so thicc i cant hold him anymore ahhh.

In the last 5 seconds they got into the line.

Justin POV:
Thank you. Wait Adam!?

Adam POV:
wait Justin?! W- why are you here?

Justin POV:
this is the job that i got? *Nervously laugh* hehe

Adam POV:
Ohh sorry that i lied to you. Because we really need some money to pay the bills.

Justin POV:
Im so sorry too.

Players go into the room with all the beds.

They go in the room.

Player 197 speak. "hey can we left in here because this is so traumatizing. And player 317 said "we won't leave here until we know what is the prize or how much is the prize". 

They saw a big  golden piggy bank and  alot of money in it.

The prize will be 500 billion dollars. So know 200 players got eliminated  so know there are 200 million dollars in the big golden piggy bank.

So i will gonna add some of the characters soon.

Adam Mcarthur - Player 427

Justin Kroma - Player 111

Megan Plays - Player 317

Albert Spencer "Flamingo" Aretz - Player 197

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