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// don't skip this or you'll be very confused.

It had been centuries since the tower first appeared. It was an enigma,  a seemingly endless climb. It appeared out of thin air – as if it had been there all along.

Those with nothing to lose ventured into the tower. Some faced its perils and died, but those strong enough came home with glory and fortune.

The tower had become a second choice for most people who wanted a better life. It was risky, but it provided good benefits.

Up until then, they had only cleared 50 levels, this was because of one thing – the fabled 51st level.

It was said that anyone who ventured into level 51 never returned. And thus, no one knew what awaited beyond.

But that was all gonna change now.

Virgo scanned the other 8 people in the room with him. They were all up-and-coming rising stars who accepted this commission, and by commission they've been hired to find out what was lurking in level 51.

"So, we have to work together?," Scorpio sneered. He had a condescending air about him, Virgo could sense he was arrogant. 

Virgo analyzed everyone in the room, wanting to size up the people he had to work with.

Starting off Scorpio, or by his alias, Thunder. He probably only joined to protect his sister Capricorn.

Capricorn Jinn, the alchemist, a passionate young woman with a good head on her shoulders. She joined to get more research and perhaps more ingredients for her potions. Virgo can't help but admire her determination for her pursuit of knowledge.

Aries Filial, also known as Hellfire, notoriously known for being a pyromaniac and charged with multiple counts of arson. Virgo could guess the commissioner promised she'd be free of all charges if she joined the team.

Gemini, much like Scorpio, joined with the account of someone else, Libra. He was like her lap dog, after all. One couldn't be seen without the other.

Of course, the most well-known person in the room – Libra Sylva, alias Goddess of Eden. A socialite with many fans due to her strong ability and good looks. Her reason for joining was a mystery, however.

Chatting with her is another familiar young woman, Lioness. Leo is the daughter of the strongest hunter in the tower, a lot of shoes to fill. Though her father is notorious for being a womanizer with 10 kids, Leo most likely joined to earn a name for herself.

Aquarius, or Gale, Virgo guesses he joined to find someone who ventured into the 51st floor and never returned, his past girlfriend. Emilia Taunt or most commonly known as The Saintess.

And finally, Sagittarius, the man, the myth, the
mystery. Why he joined? No one knows. Not even the knowledgeable Virgo.

As for Virgo, what does he want? No particular reason, or at least, none you should know.

"So, same time tomorrow in front of the level 51 entrance," Aries told everyone.

"Why so soon?," Leo asked, she was the cautious type after all. "Shouldn't we plan first?"

Aries shook her head, "lots of people charged with a plan but still failed to come back. Let's wing it and hope for the best."

While it was a brute way to go with it, everyone agrees. How would you even prepare for something you know next to nothing about?

One thing was for sure, though, whatever happens would change their lives.

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