"And you just so happen to propose to her too, knowing she wanted me dead, so you guys can live a happily ever fucking after... Tsk please." I said sternly. "I have had better soup that settled on my fucking stomach than hearing this bullshit. Try again." I said.

"Mr. Jackson, I know everything has changed. But believe me. I did try to stop her by all means. I didn't go through with her plans." He said shakily.

"So, did you go along with vandalizing my girlfriend's car, burning down her home and finding out where she lived at only... Just only for Rainy to seek her death under my now ex-wife. Who you were fucking in my kitchen I only to reek the benefits of being rich... Did you want to kill me too.. just to marry her? " I said.

"No sir. I didn't. " He said. I tilted my head to the side. " So what is it that you want from me, I have moved on with my life. And besides, money doesn't seem me happiness. I am still the beneficiary of her Insurance so you don't have any access to it and by all means... Keep talking the way you are with nothing slick. And that woman in there has been there for me... Been there and she is worth more than money to me. Angela took a lot from me and you were right by her side. I just can't forgive you right now." I said.

"Sir, believe me. I have learned my lesson in this course. " He said.

"But my sister is laying in a fucking hole today because of this shit. You didn't call to see, if I was good because you never gave a fuck. Then you never said ahead of time what she was going to do. You really hurt me, we were friends." I said.

"Do you even realize that I had something in this too? I mean she could have killed me too." He said. I walked up to him close enough so he could feel the angered pulse that was boiling on the inside of me. 

"Its a little too late for that don't you think?" I said, "I thought that you would be telling me otherwise on how this so called "romantic affair" just happened. And you know what we are tired. I'm glad that this is over because I am much happier now." I said. 

"I think I better go and I'll try to come back or at least call you first. I am sorry for the trouble and your loss Mr. Jackson." He said as he turns and walked away. I followed behind him, making sure that he left. I locked the door as his car drove out of the driveway, finally relieving my peace.. Our peace. The shit just wasn't the same to me anymore and I could give less fucks about how he feels at this point. I placed the security on and walked back into the living room. 

"What happened?" Rainy frantically asked. I sat down beside her and I laid my head on her shoulder, "Loose ends were tied. He wanted so calmly sob about this and that. But baby, I am not worried about what he did or didn't do, he slept with my now ex-wife and now, I am not going to let him ruin my life again." I said. 

"You won't have to baby. We just have to try and move forward. You have me and I know that lost isn't easy but I will always be right here with you. I promise." she said. 

"As long as your by myside, that's all I want." I said as I kissed her on her forehead and then I got up to finish cooking.  

Three days later.. 


Today was my graduation day at the College. I had left early to get set up and I was nervous. Not because I wasn't going to graduate but because I have been waking  up not feeling too good. I threw up maybe six times within the past three days but I didn't tell Michael because I didn't want to make him feel bad. As things start to come together, even though everything was still fresh, I didn't want to startle him so bad. We got ready after rehearsal and it was time to come out to the football field. 

Walking through the line, everyone cheered us on and i had to take my time, because of the pain I was feeling already. I looked amongst the crowd and I spotted Michael in the front, he doesn't see me but I seen him, standing up clapping as we finally walked through to sit down. We were only a near 300 graduates and we all passed this year. 

As the graduation song approaches, we  all waiting as the staff and the community gets on the small stage to present their awards. I sit back thinking about everything I went through including with Michael. I am thankful that I have made it this far and I have found my lover who stands with me now. 

Fast Forward...Two Hours Later..

"Rainy Artis!!" The principal said as everyone cheered for me. I walked around smiling as the crowd cheers screaming my name, showing a large amounts of love. I walked on stage and grabbed my degree, taking pictures. I turn looking around giving air kisses as if I won a grammy. And I see Michael blowing kisses raising his hands, along with red roses sitting along the side of him. I blew a kiss at him and continued down the stairs. 

After the ceremony and it was time to leave. I felt that same nauseous feeling again and ran to the bathroom. As I ran, I made it safely throwing up everything I ate. There was only one or tow things; I either ate something bad or I am pregnant. 

After i was finished cleaning myself up, I walked down the hallway and I seen Michael. he was hovering over the crowd of people as he finally spots me. I speed up to him as he nearly ran to me. With open arms, he greeted me with a loving kiss. 

"I am so happy for you baby." He whispered in my ear. I smiled from ear to ear. "Thank you baby." I said. He handed me the roses and we walked hand in hand. Once we make it out and can finally breath together, "Baby, I have dinner plans for us later on, celebration is at hand. And I am paying for it this time. I haven't forgot that stunt in Paris baby." He said as I giggled. 

"Well you did deserve it baby. It was your birthday and the stunt you pulled thinking you could go all day without telling me was cool. I got you back though." I laughed. 

He laughed with me and to be honest it felt good to see him laugh and smile again. He was coming around today but deep down, I was scared about telling him that I have been sick. I didn't know how to but I had to be honest. he had been honest with me this far and I am really scared.


I was so excited to see my baby walk across that stage. However, It looked like she was lost. She was happy but it was something else. I can now feel  how my life partner was feeling uneasy and she looked like she wasn't feeling good. Dare I ask, yes. Maybe over dinner, I'll ask her. We got inside the car and she held onto me. I just couldn't wait, she felt and looked nervous to me. I didn't want to make her feel bad but I had to ask, just to make sure. 

"Baby, you okay? You look like your not feeling good." I asked her. She looked at me and it was like she turned two shades lighter. Before she said anything I touched her forehead and she felt like she had a fever. "Baby? You feel like you have a fever." I said. 

"I am okay I think." She said. Then she almost panicked, "Stop the car!" she yelled as the car screeched to a stop and she hopped out, headed to the back and threw up. I got out as she was gaging like her life depended on it. I patter her in her back. "Sorry baby..." she said and I couldn't even get upset. 

"Baby, we are going to the doctor or just in case.. a pregnancy test?"

She looked at me as if she knew i figured it all out.. and I did.. she didn't have to tell me... 

To Be Continued..

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