Towering Romance

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"I", she says, "Am always confused.

I'm stuck between giving people too much in order to create a healthy relationship, and giving them nothing so if they leave, at least I'll be left whole."
"You aren't exactly correct my love. You should mostly be confused about who to give your all, balance is the key." Juan answers his voice echoing in the attic. The room went silent and Mariah's plethora of emotions were flooding in her heavy heart. She approached him carefully listening to his following words,  "Lost love is still love, Mariah. Maybe you can't see their smile, feel their touch, or dance with their soul, but when those senses weaken another heightens. Memory. Memory becomes your partner and you nurture it, life has to end, not love." Juan's hands caresses Mariah's shoulder but she flinches. He pulls her closer to him and locks hands, the delectable feeling filling the towering room.
Drops of rain raced down the framed window pane, with a background of a naturally painted sky. The different azure and beryl blues blended together accompanied by sinister clouds. The youngsters laid there admiring nature's visual delights and enjoying each other's heat, they light up a cigarette watching the fire's sparks acting like a firework.
"I cared a lot once," she admitted wryly. "And it hurt me a lot. So now I don't care for much, I work in extremes like that." She puffs once, we could see the hurt in her look.
"Don't let people treat you like a cigarette, they use you and then step on you when they're done. Be like drugs, let them die for you." Juan says walking away from Mariah. His steps make noise as he delicately walks closer to the window.
"When it comes to love, even the smartest people become stupid." He states once more, feeling her arms wrap around his torso. She's gentle and fragile as she traces a line of kisses on his tattooed arms.
"You're right. I believe everything you tell me, tell me I'm not broken and maybe I'll believe in you because your eyes look like the galaxy's stars. Tell me I'm worth it and maybe I'll see myself as beautiful because your words can sooth a broken soul and bandage a scared heart. But tell me I'm loved and I'll stay with you because your arms feel like a sanctuary and darling your lies sound so true." She laughs unamused. Taking another puff of her cigarette, Juan's hand circles her waist pinning her up the window frame. He breathes out on her face and she tries not to cough. Mariah's cigarette is still on but she holds it still, not removing her gaze off his hypnotizing eyes.
Juan aims at the ash row that's a few feet away from them and throws their cigarettes in the old ash. He looks deeply In her eyes, his thumb traces her numb purple Lips. It was that type of kiss, the best type. The one where your eyes speak more before your lips meet.

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