Without You

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Harbinger Scream: Mother, Black Siren, Black Canary, or Landlady screams


Opening my eyes, I find myself in Purgatory, which is the last place I wanted to be. "Little (Y/N) quite the mature siren you have become since we last encountered," a deep voice said behind me. "You and my retched son have been quite troublesome," the voice continued, after hearing that I knew exactly who I was dealing with. "You really missed us that much that you just had to come and see our return to Purgatory. Too bad we didn't miss you that much," I retorted. "Hehehe no we didn't, did we (Y/N)," another all to familiar voice said coming up next to me. "Glad to see you made it too Captain. Shall we deal with this guy ourselves? I mean we both have a score to settle after all," I commented. "I was thinking the same thing," Captain replied with a smirk. Quickly taking my hand, Captain launched me up to the Demon King allowing me to kick him right in the face knocking him down. Captain and I then used the opportunity to let out a melee of attacks on the Demon King. With the small amount of chance we had, Captain was able to get his full demonic abilities back while I stole my harbinger of death abilities. Now all we have to do is get out of this horrid place.

Ban's POV

Nothing feels the same anymore. I've lost the love of my eternal life and my two best friends in the entire world. I can't bare to go on anymore. Every glance in the mirror I am expecting to see (Y/N) right next to me, feeling her arms holding me as I embrace her. Tasting her lips, hearing her laugh, seeing her blush... she's gone and I let her slip right through my fingers. The only thing keeping me going is destroying every last demon that gets in my way and having revenge on those 10 Commandments. I will avenge you my love.


Finally finding a way out of Purgatory, Captain and I departed the Demon Realm. Waking up in my body, I wake up next to the Captain in his room in the Boar Hat. Seems like he's still zoned out, taking a deep breath I let out a loud scream right next to him, causing him to jump out of bed and face plant on the floor. "Welcome back Captain!" I greet in between my laughs. "Hehe yeah thanks," He replies. Suddenly we hear a large explosion outside, and rush to see what the heck is going on.

A Siren's Thief (Ban x Reader) Seven Deadly SinsWhere stories live. Discover now