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that is your character. I drew it I hope you like her

name is via wolf 

are from the grass village 

have a tiny house and you live alone


sex: f

age: 18

birthday: July 29th

hair/color: brown

eye/color: green

skin/color: brown

hight: 5'5

f/c: pink

f/f: ric

f/d: green tea

blood type: b 

half hair up and other half down. when up goes to neck and when down goes to shoulders.

via's bestfriend 

name: is kei dirain

are also from the grass village 

lives in the village 


sex: f

age: 17

birthday: january 31st  

hair/color: blond 

eye/color: blue

skin/color: brown

hight: 5'3 

f/c: green

f/f: pork 

f/d: Green Tea

blood type: 0+

hair is up in a ponytail. goes to shoulders and when down reaches back 

(my friend made this character) 

i hope you enjoy it 

it's my first book so please be nice


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