chapter 1

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the picture up there is my friends drawing her name Kei diraim 

"talking" 'thinking' 'sounds'  (me talking)

( Via's POV )

I was sitting at my chair eating rice. " I'M BORED " I yelled at nothing. I got a idea so I ate finished my food and got up to walk around.

( after a while )

 I was walking around the woods for a hour. I found a small spot and sat down. I fell on my back and yelled then I heard a noise and looked up ' Road Ninjas' I thought I got up and got into a fighting stance and looked at them are from the waterfall village. There are three of theme and I'm surrounded by them 'crap' I thought  I graved a kunai and got ready to fight. They first guy through his shuriken at me. I blocked it. "What do you want" I said annoyed   "We are looking for someone." I think was a girl said "About what?" I said "About the Akatsuki. We were chasing them and then they ran into these woods." " I don't know who they are and I haven't seen anyone strange"                                                                                "Tsk" one of them said "Sorry I can't help you." I said and tried to walk away but then one of them through a kunai at me. It cut my shoulder and now I'm pissed I heard another sound but this time it was from the trees. The girl that was behind me (one of the girls are behind Via's the other one is to Via's right and the boy is to Via's left.) look to where the sound was and I threw a kunai at her stomach.

( Kei POV )

I was walking to my friends house and decided to take a short cut. After a few hours I realize I got lost and now I don't know where I am "tsk" I heard someone said. I went to where the sound was and I saw three people and my friend . 'What is happening?' I thought. I decided to jump up to the tree behind one of the people behind Via. Her shoulder was bleeding and she didn't look happy about it. But then a tree branch decided to brake and I had to jump to the next tree branch. The person that was behind Via looked towards my direction but then Via threw a kunai at her stomach and I jumped from the tree and kicked them in the head. The other girl came towards me and threw a shuriken and attacked me. "Dragon Fire" I yelled and attacked her I ran towards her and picked her up and threw her head at a tree. I got on top of her and bounded her hands together and tied her to the tree. I looked at where via was fighting and she seemed like she was having fun so I am just going to stay here and watch these two.

( Via's POV )

'clink'  The sounds of our kunai hitting each other and the sound of grunting was the only sound you could here in these quit woods. I felt like there were other's watching me. These wired eyes just looking at me. 'I wonder if Kei is feeling this way too.' I shrugged it off and backed away from him "Grass Spike Rising" I said and tried to hit him but it failed. "Water Fang Bullet" He said. I tried to dodge it but failed part of my leg got stuck in it and damn did it hurt. I heard this sound and I new right away what it was I smiled. a bunch of kunai hit him in the back because of the trap I set. I looked at my friend to see if she was ok. Kei came over to me and started healing my leg. "Well that was interesting" Kei said "What was that all that about in the first place." She continued. "They said they wanted information about the Akatsuki." Then I got up and helped her up. "What are you doing here in the first place anyways?" I asked. "Um I got lost" Kei said embarrassed. I started giggling "Hey don't laugh at me" Kei whined. "Well what do you wanna do" I said "Go to your house I'm hungry and you make good food." she started running then came to a stop and looked at me. "I don't know where your house is" I started walking the same direction as her "You were going the right way." I walked away from her and towards my house. 

785 words

I hope you enjoy the first chapter 

                                           Have a good day/night


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2021 ⏰

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