chapter 3- juke cuddles

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"Did I do something?" Luke asks Alex

"Did you?"

"I don't think so"

"Just come on, let's go look for Reggie"

Luke and Alex check the whole house

"Where the fuck is he?"

"Go get some money, if he's not here, he's probably at the beach and we'll have to catch the bus there"

"I'll get some extra so we can get some ice cream to cheer him up"

"Good idea" Luke grabs some money and they both catch the bus to the beach and see Reggie sitting on the sand, staring at the water

They walk up to him "are these seats taken?"

"Is she here?"

"No, she's not"

"Then sure"

Luke and Alex sit on either side of Reggie

"We're sorry that she yelled Reg but we can tell something else is bugging her and that's why she yelled"

"Yeah... I know... I just really really hate people yelling"

"'Yeah we know you do and I'll talk to her about, okay?"

He nods "thanks Luke" still staring out into the ocean

"We have something that will cheer you up" Alex says

"What?" Reggie looks at Alex

"Ice cream"

"Oh... well no thanks" looks back at the ocean

"Why? you've never turned down ice cream in your life"

"Um... almost every time my parents fought, my mum brought me out for ice cream afterwards and just pretend like everything was fine when it clearly wasn't"

"Oh well, how about doughnuts?"

"Yeah, that sounds good"

"I'll bring back Julie some too"

They all get up and get some doughnuts


Luke knocks on Julie's door

"Who is it?"

"It's me, I have some doughnuts for you"

"Oh okay, thank you" she opens the door "also uh I'm sorry about earlier, with Reggie"

"It's fine, you okay though?"

"Yeah, I just uh... I started my period this morning so I'm just a bit moody"

"Oh okay, well if you need anything just let me know"

"Yep, will do, I think I might just have an early night"

"Okay, well sleep well"

"Thanks, can you please put the doughnuts in the fridge"

"Yeah sure"

She smiles slightly "well goodnight" she closes the door and lays back in bed

Luke goes down the stairs and puts the doughnuts in the fridge

"She coming?" Alex asks

"She's going to bed early instead"

"Oh okay"

For the rest of the night, the boys just mess around and talk, trying to be as quiet as possible to let Julie sleep until they head off to bed

2 am rolls around, Julie is still wide awake and is talking to herself out loud

"Julie just go to him, it's not like he'll mind... right? I mean we hug all the time like its almost the same... just screw it" she gets up and goes to the studio

Luke is asleep on his couch, the blanket that was covering him fell onto the floor revealing him only in his boxers

Julie eyes widely open "like I knew you were hot but... okay Julie control yourself" she walks over to him

"Luke, wake up" slightly shakes him

He slightly opens his eyes "Julie?"

"Is it okay if I sleep here with you? I can't fall asleep"

"Yeah sure, let me just get some clothes" sits up

"I mean you really don't have to"

"Oh, you sure?"

"Yeah, it's fine"

"Okay" lays back down

"CAN YOU GUYS SHUT UP, SOME OF US NEED OUR SLEEP" Alex yells from up in the loft


Julie looks at him

"Don't worry, he won't remember anything in the morning if you're worried about that"

"Okay" she lays down half on him and half on the couch

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A/N- not proofread- I hope you enjoyed this chapter and hope you like my story, if you have any questions or request please comment them below and I will reply to them!

word count - 707

Jatp fanfic- mature themesWhere stories live. Discover now