Nights With Harry; for boards

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        When I came home, I noticed the lingering smell of lasgna, my favorite. "Babe?" I called out. I shrugged my coat off and hung it up. I kicked off these god awful heels and rubbed my very sore rght foot. Though they may look cute, they definitely don't feel "cute".

        I trudged through the foyer and into the brightly lit kitchen where I found a very messy kitchen, along with a very messy Harry and our son. "Did a tornado roll through here or something?" I joked. They were both covered in pasta sauce and cheese. The counters were covered in flour and cooked pasta.

        They both looked up suddenly. I guess they didn't notice I came home. "Mom!" JJ called out. He ran over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He was only 6, but he almost at chest already. I ran my hand through his wild locks of curls, somethign her inherited from his father. 

        "Dinner's almost ready champ, why don't you go wash up? Give your mom and I a minute to talk." Harry suggested and set down the towel he used to wipe his hands and face with. He looked up at me with his gorgeous green eyes and bounced towards the bathroom.

        "So, are you auditioning for the Rachel Ray Show or something?" I joked and wrapped my arms around his neck. Stepping on my tip-toes I reached up and kissed him on his gorgeous pink lips. "Mmm, saucey." I pulled back smiling.

        He smiled back, showing his deep mysterious dimples. "I just thought that you know, maybe we could cook you dinner tonight, instead of vice-versa." Harry shrugged grinning widely. My heart melted at his words. Even on my worse days, JJ and Haz could always make it better.

        "You're so sweet," I blushed. He shrugged sheepishly. He's always hated taking credit for things, even when it was deserved.

        The timer on the stove went off, marking the lasgna was done. Harry handed me three plates and silver ware. "Set the table, and sit down. We're serving you tonight." He smiled cheekily. I took the plates just as JJ came in.

        "JJ, grab the food in the fridge." He winked at him. I slowly made my way out of the kitchen, hoping to get a glimpse of the food. I set the table and poured wine for Harry and I and milk for JJ. Once I made sure the table was set perfectly, I took my seat and waited for Haz and JJ to bring out the food. I was nervous yet excited to see how it turned out.

        "Here we come!" I heard JJ giggle from kitchen.

        They came into the dining room with a dish of lasagna, which smelled liked heaven, and a bowl of salad and dressing, plus a side of bread. They set them down on the table and took their places at the table. It all smelled so great and looked wonderful. I felt like crying at that moment. But, I didn't.

        "You guys," I gushed. I looked at them both. JJ was grinning goofily and Harry winked at me. "this is all too much. I can't believe you two did this for me."

        "It was the best time ever, mommy." JJ said cheerfully. "I loved cooking with daddy."

        "And loved cooking with you, and for your mother." Haz agreed with JJ.

        "Well, thank you. I really appreciate it." I smiled at them both. "Well, enough talking. Let's dig in shall we?"


        After dinner we all decided to put in a movie and crash in the living room. After only about 30 minutes into Big Hero 6 JJ past out on the sofa beside us. Harry and I were intertwined with each other on the other couch. "Thank you for tonight, babe. I really needed it."

        "It was no big deal. I'm just glad it turned out alright." He smiled and pecked me on the lips. When he pulled away we stayed looking into each other's eyes, just gazing. His eye sparkled no matter what time of the day it is. They are always so beautiful.

        This time, I leaned in to kiss him. And I didn't stop. Our lips molded together perfectly. His were hot, mine were cold. Like fire and ice, we were. He pulled me closer to him. His hands explored every inch of my back, his hands sometimes slipping into my pants. I moaned against his kisses. "Haz," I whispered.

        My own hands found their way up his shirt. I touched his hot body and warmed my hands while exploring him. "We can't," He breathed slowly pulling away. He looked towards JJ who rolled in his sleep. "Not tonight." He sighed. I pecked his cheek and buried my self closer into the crook of his neck. 

        "I know." I whispered. 

        For the rest of the night, we slept like that. Molded together perfectly. These are the nights I cherish most. My nights with Harry.


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