Chapter 1

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Moonlight's POV
Where is she? She said that they all would meet me here. Did they ditch me? Nah, HE is not allowed to skip and neither is sh--

"Hey, Moonlight!" Someone said as they tapped on my shoulder. Who the h3ll would tap on me shoulder!? I turned around to see a girl with blue hair, a girl with pink hair, and a boy with blonde hair. Oh wait that's Sea fairy, Hollyberry, and Pure vanilla. Duh, who else would it be!

"Hey, Sea fairy! And Hollyberry and Pure Vanilla. What took yall so long?" I asked as Sea fairy turned around and pointed at Holly.

"SHE said she needed her lunch bag from her house when we were almost here and then we had to turn around because of her!" Sea fairy said as Holly and Vanilla started to giggle. Sea fairy gave them a death stare and they stopped giggling amidently. I turned to grab my bag when I got another tap on my shoulder guessing it was Holly I turned around and it was her. What did she want? My attention? My bag? My lunch? Whatever it is it better be important.

"Hey, I heard that Sea fairy has a crush!" Holly said as I closed my locker and looked at her straight in the eyes. She looked like she knew who it was but I'm not gonna ask. That is someone's privacy. I turned around and was about to walk to my first class until Holly pulled me back and said.

"Well don't you wanna know! Me and Vanilla have already a bunch of guesses but we need your opinion on the best ship for her! Please just this once skip." Holly said as she grabbed her phone out and started texting someone. Guessing it's Vanilla but whatever none of my business but I kinda want to know...

"Fine I'll skip. But just this once!" I said as Holly grabbed my arm and started running towards the bathroom. I'm feeling kind of sick but whatever. I need to know who Sea fairy has a crush on!

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