Blast To The Past

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Sonic's POV

As soon as I opened my eyes, I was brought back to 30 years ago, back to the ARK, but the moment I was brought back to was... unexpected to say the least. He brought me back to our fight with the Biolizard. I love that kid, but of all moments to take me to was this the best he could do? I look over to Shadow who is about to push me out of the way to save us and beat the Biolizard, but I couldn't let him lose his memories again. I survived a fall to Earth in my normal form, I can survive a fall in my super form. I pushed Shadow out of the way, before he could do so to me and smiled at him. "Don't worry me we'll meet again. Goodbye for now, Shadow the Hedgehog." Before he could do anything or say anything, I Chaos Controlled the ARK, before it could reach Earth's atmosphere, but in doing so I used up most, if not all my energy and began to fall back down to Earth, my super form slowly fading as I began to lose consciousness.

Shadow's POV

'What does that idiot think he's doing?!' I thought when he pushed me out of the way. Before I could even do or say anything he Chaos Controlled the ARK back into it's original place. As I was about to fly back to the ARK I noticed him out of the corner of my eye. He was unconscious and falling fast. Before I knew it I dashed over to him as quickly as possible in an attempt to catch him. When I did, I was shocked to find he was still breathing; 'this idiot is lucky to be alive after the stunt he just pulled.' I thought as I flew the two of us back onto the ARK. As soon as we entered everyone began to make a fuss over Sonic, which is understandable considering the fight we just went through. The Doctor & the fox took the Faker to the Medical Bay, everyone but Rouge and I following close behind. "You doing alright, hon? That was a pretty nasty & risky fight. What was Sonic thinking, performing Chaos Control all by himself. Was he trying to get himself killed?" She asked to my annoyance. "I'm fine and I don't know what that Faker was thinking, but he's lucky to be alive after that stunt." "I've seen the kid take some pretty heavy hits before, but he's never done anything like that and in all honesty it was a pretty stupid decision he made back there." "Agreed."

3rd Person POV

As soon as they boarded the ARK, Sonic was rushed to the Medical Bay and placed inside a healing pod in order to recover quicker. It wasn't long before he slowly began to regain consciousness, but the he still felt too weak to stand on his own. As he awoke he saw everyone around the pod, Amy especially, cry and begging to whatever God(s) they could think of, for Sonic to be okay. Sonic sighed as he began to regret the decision he had just made, regretting taking on Chaos Control on something so big all by himself. 'Ugh how could I forget that my 16 year old body, isn't as strong as my 45 year old body.' He thought as he slowly reached to knock on the glass the healing pod. Amy quickly looked up, with tears and anger in her eyes "Sonic! You idiot what were you thinking!" She yelled while banging on the glass and letting out her anger for what her Sonic had done. It was then that Shadow and Rouge walked in, the Black Hedgehog catching Sonic's attention. "Shadow are you alright?" He asked, his voice weak. Shadow, with his crossed said "I'm fine. Faker, but that stunt you pulled was stupid and you're lucky to even be alive." Sonic agreed it was a stupid move, but he was just happy Shadow was alright and that history hadn't repeated itself. "How dare you call Sonic stupid!" Amy yelled as if she hasn't just done the same to Sonic. "Amy leave him be, he's right, it was a stupid decision, but I'm fine now, just a little sore is all." He said as he tried to take a step out of the healing pod, immediately falling to his knees. "Fine, my butt, Sonic, you're hurt, you need to rest. I'll take care of you as soon as we get back to Earth." She said, as she helping Sonic back into the pod, a small, sympathetic smile on her face. "I'll be fine Ames. You know me, I don't go down without a fight and even then I don't go down easy."

(Apologies for any spelling or structural mistakes. I'm half-asleep despite it being 4 in the afternoon, but I hope you have enjoyed the story up until this point. Any and all criticism is welcome, I just want some pointers on improving my writing)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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