One Shot (SFW)

Começar do início

The proceeding next months were so euphoric to you. You guys would spend more and more time as a couple, his bold acts of affection still managing to catch you off guard from time to time. 

Nevertheless he was also so caring and sweet ,only occasional teasing would be heard every so often. The way he took care of you ever so gently during your first time, as if you were a fragile doll, sweet praises fell from his lips as he took his time, never seeming to be in a rush.

After awhile you even started conversing with the girl,Riko, that him and Gojo were assigned to protect, her loud and bubbly energy always making you feel better. You even recall the 4 of you heading to the beach to unwind a bit from the dangerous mission.

But good things never last, do they?

The following summer Riko  was killed by an assassin. It was obvious how crushed Gojo and Suguru were, especially him, since he had to see her getting shot right in front of eyes, not to mention him also being a first hand witness to Satoru's "death" from which the mentioned male managed to miraculously survive, but the mental after effects of it still taking a toll on both Geto and Gojo .

"I could still see it clearly in my dreams" he said as you two were in his room, after he informed how he couldn't sleep which led to you holding him as he leaned into your embrace, making him look so small despite him always towering over you. The night was spent him crying quietly into your shoulder, you trying to rock the both of you back and forth gently as you patted his back, to give a sense of security and comfort, even if its just by bit.

  Coinsidentally, ever since that night , the  atmosphere throughout the building shifted, the mornings always quiet and gloomy, the hallways no longer filled with Suguru's and Satoru's chatter, them seemingly drifting away as both of them were sent on individual missions. You still recall seeing Geto for the first time after he came from a days long mission, you were so happy, but you still didn't fail to notice his appearance. He had slightly slouched shoulders, as if carrying the world's burden on it. His sly and loving eyes no longer holding any emotion, instead being engulfed by an empty and dull gaze in his black eyes, prominent eye bags around it. It was also easy to notice how he has lost weight, as his face has gotten slimmer and paler even. You grew concerned. However as you wanted to approach him, he only threw an indifferent glance towards you and then walked into his room, the sound of the lock echoing through the walls.

That night you decided to check up on him as he hasn't gone out of his room all day. You also decided to fix up a snack for him along the way, being sure that he probably hasn't eaten anything too. You softly knocked on his door. "Suguru? I hope you're doing okay, it's just that..." you paused contemplating on what to say to make him let you in "... i haven't seen you in days, and i really, really, missed you" you said truthfully. You heard some shuffling before the door unlocked, as you made eye contact with his chest, forgetting just how tall he is because of the lack of time you two spent together for the past month.

You looked up to see his hair disheveled as he looked down at your tiredly, only in a white worn out tee and grey sweats. it truly pained you to see him like this. He stepped to the side to let you in. You entered and looked around his room, subconsciously looking for any signs of distress, but everything seemed to be clean and in place.

"You're acting like you've never been here before" he said casually from behind you,making you flinch slightly. he leaned down dangerously close to your height and whispered "what's that?" he was looking at the plastic container in your hands. "O-oh, just a snack that i made for you" you stuttered a bit due to how close he was , getting a whiff of body wash, implying that he took a shower recently. "For me?" he repeated in a husky tone, as he turned his head and looked at you. You swore you could see something different in his eyes, something more intense in his black orbs.

As The World Caves In Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora