"T- that promise has already been fulfilled!" She called as he chuckled waking out the door.

"What promise is that?" Atsumu asked curiously.

"You don't need to know." She said as she tilted her head away from him.

"So, what are you two like a thing now?"

"No, he just wanted to make you jealous."

"Yeah, well it worked." He mumbles. That seems to be all he's feeling these days every time he sees her spending time with anyone who isn't him. Jealousy. And he hates it.

Silence fell over them as they awkwardly sat next to one and other, not really sure what to do or say. Atsumu was the first to break the tension.

"Are we going to talk about what happened the other day?" He asked and her cheeks heated up remembering what he was talking about. The kiss.

She looked at him and he looked back. She opened her mouth to say something but instead closed it and looked away.

"... No."


"It was sexual tension, that's it." She covered but he wasn't believing her, hell she didn't even believe herself, even though it was partially true.

"You know that's a lie." He says "I still love you, please. Let me prove it. Give me a chance."

"You're cheating on your girlfriend..." She said in a petty tone looking off and he scoffed at her childishness, even though he was just as childish, if not more so.

"For the last time, she's not my girlfriend!" he exasperated.

"Okay, so are you telling me nothing's happened between you two?" She leaned forward on her elbows, his silence was enough to tell her that something had.

"So it has."

"No, nothing happened."

"You're lying. Tell me the truth and I'll consider giving you a second chance." She sighed at the lack of response. "We weren't together, so it's not like it's the end of the world." She said, even though the thought made her feel sick to her stomach, it was true. He could and still can do anything he wanted, he isn't hers anymore.

He felt terrified in his insides, but decided to tell her.

"Okay, so over the break after I saw posts of you and the others on social media. I got really jealous and I couldn't take it. I got absolutely wasted at some dodgy bar and little did I know Seki was there. I barely remember what happened I was so drunk, just what Osamu told me."

"What did he tell you?"

"He said that I was making out with her and I was about to go back to hers when he found me and brought me back home. Thank god. I regret it I regret getting myself into that situation." He was too afraid to look up at her, his gaze still on the table. She felt her insides twisting.

"What about her kissing you that day?"

"That was all her. She's been holding this against me, threatening to tell you, which I'm sure she would make sound even worse, but now that I've told you she can't blackmail me anymore." He did feel slight relief now that she knew, but he was still afraid at how she must view him now.

"Did you two ever..."

"What? No! of course not."

He finally looked at her, and he could tell she was hurt. She wouldn't meet his gaze and he felt his heart crumbling.

"Look you have to believe me, I have no feelings for her whatsoever. I've told you before that I want to be with you forever and I mean it."

The olive eyed girls heart skipped a beaat, remembering her birthday and how special that day had been. She thought for a moment before sighing in defeat as she pinched the bridge of her nose.


"Fine?" Atsumu questions in disbelief. 'Did I really just hear her say that?'

"Ok." She confirms.


"I'll give you another chance."

"Another chance?"

"As friends."


"Would you quit it?!"

"Sorry." He laughs before breaking out into a huge smile that makes her heart stutter. His happiness overwhelmed him and he went in to hug her but she stopped him leaving a confused look on his face.

"You wanna prove it? Then you can start by not touching me."

"Ah so bossy." He was about to complain more, but the look on her face made his back straighten. "Y-yes ma'am. What else?"

"I'll think about it."

He internally throws his fist in the air in celebration.

"I really am sorry-"

"Stop. You don't need to keep apologising."

"I'm taking you out on the weekend. NOT A DATE unless... unless you want it to-"


"Okay fine, not a date, but I am taking you out." 'Wow she's even blunter than before.'

"We're just friends, that's it."


Hope you enjoyed!

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