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It was late afternoon and I had just finished closing the shop. The evening sun began to cast a warm glow through the windows as I turned off the lights up front. I stepped outside and inhaled a long, deep breath of the cool evening air. Slowly, I closed my eyes and allowed the wind to rustle the few escaping red strands of my ponytail while trying to savor this moment of peacefulness. Well, almost peacefulness, if not for the sounds of traffic down the road. After quickly locking up the shop for the night, I began to walk down the sidewalk. For the moment, I let my thoughts wander while I watched the sky dim to a hazy navy blue. 

Lili, my closest friend since middle school, had asked if I had wanted to come and work with her at her aunt's store, after she heard about the death of my father. I gratefully accepted and have appreciated for her support and their kindness, even though I'm still trying to adjust to the dramatic change in my life.

It had been almost 2 months since I lost my father. Thinking about him still caused a slice of pain to spear through me. I miss his warm greeting when I got home. I miss his smile. I miss his comforting embrace. Father had always felt guilty for the lack of a mother figure in my life so he tried to do all he could to make up for it. But he never knew that I never felt like I lacked in anything. I soon could feel tears well up in my eyes so I steered my thoughts elsewhere, to keep myself from crying again. 

Several streetlights flickered on as I passed under them. The walk back to my apartment wasn't too long but since daylight began to lessen in late fall, I always felt a little more nervous when walking home. Thankfully, cars still passed by on the streets I followed back to my place but lately, I had been noticing groups of young men from the college campus, coming to hang out near the convince store near my home. Father had always said that my bright red hair was my shining crown that I shouldn't ever hide but when it makes me stand out especially in situations where I don't want to be seen, it's doesn't feel like a crown. It feels more like a curse. I did my best to avoid walking in the direct light of the store since it made me and my hair stand out but now that it was getting dark, it was a hard to completely stay hidden from its bright lights. But today, I needed to pick up a few things at the store so avoiding it was impossible.

As I approached the the last street I had to cross before I was at the store, I saw a couple of men with glass bottles in their hands, standing a few yards away from the store. I quieted my footfalls, hoping that if I could walk inside without making much noise, I would be unnoticed. 

Luckily, I made it inside without incident and made a quick round down the aisles, gathering the few groceries I needed. Before I went to the cashier, I saw one of Lili's favorite chocolates in stock. I remember her complaining about how much she had been craving this chocolate recently so I grabbed some and walked to the check out counter. After purchasing what I needed, I stepped back out, giggling at the expression that I could imagine Lili making when I showed up tomorrow with a bag full of these. 

Soon enough, as I began walking again, the group of men I had seen earlier, had started to follow me. It wasn't until I was about a block away from my house that I could hear their footfalls and crude comments. 

Geez Yona, what are you going to do now? Walk back to your place so they know where you live? Even if I get home and call the police, it's possible that they could come back. I need to loose them before I can go home. 

I quickened my pace and began to take a detour. Unfortunately, they were sober enough to keep pace with me and even close the distance. I needed to find a place to hide so I can call the police instead of running. I wasn't really familiar with the street I had taken but when I turned another corner, thinking that it was an alley that lead to another busy street, I was rewarded with a dead end.

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