Chapter Two

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The Author's Note below might be important as on Chapter One..  


Harry's POV

"Babe, are you ready?" I yelled from the living room while tuck my last foot inside the boot. "Yeah, yeah, yeah" I heard Niall say as his footsteps getting louder. I removed my eyes from my boots and faced my stunning boyfriend.

"Haz, is there something wrong? Do I have to change? Oh my gosh, I have to change" He exclaimed, climbing up the stairs again but I stopped him.

"There's nothing to change. You look good yourself, you're stunning." I complimented him. He blushed and grinned."Well, to say you look beautiful is an understatement. Thank you, Haz" He complimented back. We walked outside and climbed in our car.

"So where are we going?" He asked, clearly curious. "It's for me to know and for you to find out" I answered. "And oh, you have to wear this" I said passing him a sleep mask. "But I hate surprises!" He huffed as I rolled my eyes. "Please babe, just wear it" I pleaded and finally, he gave up and wore the sleep mask.

I drove to our destination. It's pretty far and Niall being the oblivious ones, kept asking questions. "Are we there yet?" He asked for the twenty-fifth time. I chucked and answered no. I finally saw the familiar streets of our hometown and parked the car on our old garadge. I turned the engine off and removed the sleep mask off Niall's. 

"That sleep mask is so tight. You should have gone asked me to bring mine. It would be more comfortable" He complained, rubbing a garter that was marked in his cheek. "Aww, my baby's hurt" I said in a baby voice and kissed his cheek. He laughed as we got out.

"Wow, this place looks familiar" He commented, looking around. "It's because we're in Homples Chapel." I explained, chuckling after. He looked at me, shocked.

"Are you serious?" He looked at me, excitedly. "Oh gawwd, I can't wait to meet your parents again!" He said, happily. We entered my house and to be greeted by a dark place.

"Why is it so dark in here?" I could sense him, frowning. I'll be lying if I tell him I don't know what's happening. "I don't know, Ni. But I remembered texting mom that we would visit their house by dinner" I lied. I got my phone from my pocket and turmed the brightness brighter to find the switch. I clicked the switch and was surprised.

"WELCOME HOME HAZZA AND NIALLER!" They all chorused as they popped the party poppers. Niall looked shocked and happy tears came off. Everyone was there. Mum, dad, Gemma, Bobby, Maura, Greg, Denise, Theo, and lastly our cousins. There was a medium-sized tarpaulin  says 'ᗯEᒪᑕOᗰE ᗷᗩᑕK ᕼᗩᘔᘔᗩ ᗩᑎᗪ ᑎIᗩᒪᒪEᖇ!' which was clearly edited by Gemma. 

"Uncwe Niawwew! I mithed you!" Theo ran to Niall with his short legs. Niall carried him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I missed you too, buddy!" Niall said as he carried Theo and went to his parents.

"Hello Harry, we missed you so much!" Mum exclaimed giving me a tight hug. "I missed you too, mum" I said as she kissed my forehead. "Hello son" Dad greeted as mum pulled away from her tight embrace, "Hi Dad, I missed you!". 

"Hello Gemma! I see you you dyed your hair. It's looks great on you" I complimented as I gave her a hug. "Thank you Harold, I see you already know how to style your hair." She smirked. "Hey! I've always known how to style my hair that's why I'm called Styles" I defended as she laughed.

I excused myself and went to Niall's family. "Hello Harry, it's nice seeing you again" Maura said and pecked my cheek. "Hi Maura, it's nice seeing you again too, as well as to you, Bobby" I greeted Niall's parents politely and shook Bobby's hand.

"Hewwo Uncwe Hawwy!" Theo said as he raised his hands beckoning me to carry him. I chuckled and took him in my arms."Where are your parents, Theo?" I asked him. "Dew'r wight dewe" He said pointing the kitchen. I carried him to the couch where Niall was sitting with our cousins.

"Hello Harry, how have you been?" Niall's cousin, Drew asked. "I've been great. How about Mae and Annie? Where are they? I haven't seen them in a while" I said as Theo played with my curls. "They were left in Ireland. Nana won't let Mae travel because she just got sick a day ago and needed Anne to take care of her." He explained, frowning. 

"Ow!" I yelped as Theo pulled a strand of my hair, placing it at the top of his head. He got scared  and his lips started to wobble. "Aww, honey don't cry! Shhhh." I said rocking him gently as tears began to fall. "Sowwy Uncwe Hawwy, I just want to hawve a cuwy haiw wike you, pwease down't teww papa and mama!" he pleaded, crying.

"Stop crying Theo, we'll curl your hair next time if you want" I said trying to lighten up his mood. His eyes sparked with delight. "Weawwy! you'ww do dat" He exclaimed and I nodded my head. "Yay!! I cawn't wait!" He smiled as I laughed at his adorableness.

"I can't wait our baby to be born, Haz. Your such a sweet father!" Niall complimented, smiling at me. "Theo do you wanna have a cousin?" Niall asked, poking Theo's side. "Owf couws" Theo giggled as he slapped Niall's fingers away.

"Niall, Harry, Drew, dinners ready. Theo your mum has been finding you everywhere. Where have you been? Com'on let's get you there" Gemma said. "Owkay" Theo jumped his short legs and ran to Gemma.

The dinning table was pretty long. It got twelve sitters, and fortunately we fit though we inserted four more chairs for Niall's and mine's cousins. I sat in between Niall and Jill. We started with a prayer and began eating. "Mum, I have to tell you something" Niall said looking up to his mother. 'Oh Niall, I already told them' I thought.

"Let me guess, honey. You're pregnant" Maura smiled, happily. Niall looked at me, confused and turned back to Maura, knitting his eyebrows. "We already know, Ni. Harry called her mother about a week ago and asked us to visit you here. I was really happy and at the same time excited when Anne told us your pregnant. I happy for you, Niall!" Maura exclaimed as Niall looked at me surprised. "Thank you, mum" Niall smiled at his mother.

Dinner was finished. Me and Niall excused ourselves and went to our roof. I remembered this place This place is where me and Niall used to date when our parents ground us from going out of town. We got pillows, chips and my laptop so we could watch a movie.

"What do you wanna watch babe?" I asked as I put Netflix on. "Nemo" he answered and I nodded. We weren't really paying attention to the movie because we were busy eating each other's faces.

"Niall?" I asked and he hummed in response. "Can you close you eyes and give me your hand?" I asked. "Why?" He knitted his eyebrows together. "Just do it" I said. He gave me his hand and closed his eyes. I got the bracelet from my pocket and tied it on his hand. "Now, open" I said as he followed.

"You got me a Pandora bracelet! Oh my gosh, Harry thank you so much!" He attacked me with his Horan Hug as I balanced my body not falling. I hugged him back and smiled. He kissed me on the lips filled with love and passion. We pulled away breathless and smiled, lovingly. "It's so beautiful!" He said, twisting his wrist side to side as the gems shone brightly.

"Thank you, Harry. I love you so much" Niall said seriously.

"I love you too Niall and our baby, to the moon and back" I admitted as we laid down on the pillow, spooning each other and slept. 


Hello guys!! Chapter two is here!! 

This is what Harold looks like in the story... For a while and this is what he is dressed in their dinner..... BYE!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2015 ⏰

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