chapter 4

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the next day in school

"yo.. did you know that xiao's dating the popular girl ??? whats her name again.. umm,, oh yeah, ganyu. from our class! that blue haired girl, the one we never cared about. i thought he liked venti man,, how strange."

chongyun said to xingqiu and xiangling. venti overheard their conversation as he only sits a few tables away from them.

"h-huh?.. xiao's dating ganyu??" venti mouthed out the words inside his head. it felt like his world fell apart and his heart was just aching. venti had a massive crush on xiao, but of course didnt expect much. "right.. i knew he didnt like me back" he chuckled, hiding his sad look.

xiao and ganyu soon entered class together, holding hands like a couple should. "oh.. so thats why he didnt reply to my messages. hes busy with his girlfriend.." venti thought to himself. they got to their seats and ganyu drawed xiao's attention by saying, "b-babe? can i call you that.. i got you a gift."

xiao soon nodded even though he disliked being called "babe" by someone he doesnt love. he received the gift with two hands, thanking ganyu.

inside was a handmade card saying "iloveyou" and many small roses and folded heartshapes. xiao giggled, fakely of course, and runs his finger through ganyu's soft, sky blue hair, patting her gently on the head. it was quite obvious ganyu was enjoying every moment of that. she was crazy in love with xiao, mustve been the best moment of her life yet.

venti on the other hand, was busy sulking at his table, with a bad mood. xiao noticed it quickly and started feeling confused as to why venti acted that way.

venti's pov

look at them.. so lovey dovey, while im just a loner here with not much friends, even though im one of the smartest people in this class. but that doesnt matter. what matters right now is that whats closest to me is getting taken away by someone i dont know. i cant let that happen, but what can i do? i know words speak louder than actions, i want to do something, but i cant. im such a coward, i cant even protect someone i love. its not like he loves me back so.. yeah ,, plus its so obvious that he's enjoying himself with his new girlfriend, wouldnt it be rude if i just interfere? ugh.. why is life so unfair and harsh. why am i the one that is going through all this.. why am i in love.

third person pov

xiao has a guilty look on his face, and really wants to apologise to venti for some reason. even though he doesnt know why at all.

(authors note: sorry for writing such a short chapter ^^ ill try to write more for chapter 5!)

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