
Kazutora puts Takemichi on his back before he started running in the opposite direction to grab his bike, putting Takemichi behind him, he speed off, going straight to the hospital

"What happened here?"the doctor asked looking at him"Get me a stretcher!"he informs the nurses close by

"He collapsed.."Kazutora looks at the doctor

"Don't worry, he'll be fine.."the doctor spoke before dragging Takemichi away in the stretcher

Kazutora leaned on the wall behind him in the lobby, looking down on the floor, thinking about why he collapsed

'Side effect maybe?.. Or he's just really tired.. But he was fine yesterday..' Kazutora thought, as he thinks of why Takemichi collapsed 'Was this happening while he was trying to save all of us?..'

The doctor came back and told him the room that Takemichi stays in, arriving there, he saw Takemichi peacefully sleeping on the hospital bed, he sat on the stool beside Takemichi's bed and looks at him

'Thanks for doing this for all of us, michi.. Though, I wish you'd take care of yourself more.. Specially in the future..' he thought looking out the window

The doctor came and told him that Takemichi will wake up soon, his body was just under a lot of stress, that's why he collapsed

A few minutes later, Emma came, surprised to see him

"Emma-chan? What are you doing here?"he asked looking at her

Before she could explain, Takemichi woke up and looks at them both in surprised

"Ehh?.. Emma-chan? Nii-san?.."Takemichi looks at the both of them"What happened to Mikey and the others? Is everyone okay?"he asked

"I got a call from Draken.."Emma starts off"And when I came, you're here.."

"Where's Draken-kun?"Takemichi asked, Kazutora who was also wondering the same thing just looks at her

Tears started forming in the corner of Emma's eyes, alarming Kazutora, who grabs the handkerchief from his pockets, giving it to her

"He started fighting with Mikey.."

'Why?.. It's not like Takemichi won't resolve it, according to Fuyu.. Takemichi found a way to reunite them' Kazutora thought looking at her

"F-Fight? Why?"Takemichi asked

"I don't know, but it gets serious every single time. Now there's like a Mikey faction and a Draken faction, and Toman got split into two"she informs, Kazutora stood up and offered his seat to her, placing his hand on her back to comfort her

"Everyone was arguing over how Pahchin-kun tried to stab Osanai and they started fighting.."Emma informs before using Kazutora for comfort, by burying her head in his torso

Kazutora just lets her while patting her back, looking at Takemichi, who seems to be deep in thought

"Draken will be fine, right? I don't understand anything anymore"Emma blurted out, Kazutora just continues patting her back

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