Chapter 6: It's time for the Cauldron...

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"Hey Alisa!"you greet her the very next day as you spot her leaving her dorm, wearing some headphones while listening to something. She looks left to face you and a smile appears on her face."Hey Michael!"She exclaims as she takes her earphones off.

"G'morning!"A different voice exclaims from behind the both of you. As you cock your head to the right, you notice a girl with long blonde hair, and the most beautiful blue eys."Oh hey Kay!"Alisa exclaims as she waves at her."Hiya Arisa!"She responds as she playfully slaps her on the back."Oh my god, it's the commander!"You softly whisper as you realise who that girl is."Hey there!"She exclaims as she waves at you.'O-Oh hi commander Kay!"You respond as you snap back to reality."Calm down Buckaroo! You can just call me Kay!"She replies a she smiles at you."Oh, alright!"You reply as you mamange to pluck up some confidence.'Oh yeah, you're Michael right?"She asks you."Yeah."You respond as you wonder what she's on about."So you're the one that Alisa's been talking about non-stop for the last week~"She comments as she smirks at Alisa, who's blushing all over."Kay! Don't say that!"She retorts."Anyway, I've got to go, I'll leave you two to flirt~"She comments as she jogs off."At least she's better than Naomi..."Alisa mumbles as she walk with you.

"So the Cauldron is tomorrow huh?"You ask Alisa as you walk towards your class. "Yeah."She replies as she thinks about something."I'm so excited to see what my M3 can do!"You say, barely able to contain your enthusiasm."Yeah, me too! Your M3 has thick armour in Tanklathon as comapred to other tanks. 20mm armour is great, and your 37 millimetre is absolutely great!"She responds as she grabs your hand."It's nice to know that at least you appreciate my Stuart~"She smirks and replies,"It's always underestimated and under appreciated all the time in my opinion~"You blush and respond,"I also think that sometimes, you're under appreciated as well. I can see that all the time."You add as you smile at her."Y-You really think so?"You smile a little wider and reply,"Yes~"She kisses you out of the blue."You're the only one who truly understands me Michael~"She exclaims as she hops down."I know Alisa~"You respond as you tighten your grip on her hand."

"Alisa, new boyfriend?"An unfamiliar voice calls out to your (Soon to be) girlfriend."Shut up Olivia!"She retorts to a girl about her age with straight blonde hair."ShUt uP!"She mimes her jerking off as giggles."Oh right, I need to introduce myself~"The girl comments"I'm Alisa's gunner, Olivia~"She says with a little bow."I'll be your gunner~"She continues as she sticks out her hand."O-Oh, alright."You respond, missing the feeling of being your own gunner."So, I hope we can forge new friendships~"She says with a small smirk as she notices Alisa's shocked face."Don't you dare try and steal him from m-"She gasps as she realises she's exposed too much."Don't try and steal your boyfriend from you?"Oliver cotinues with a wide smirk as she ntoices Alisa face growing redder by the minute.

Luckily, in the nick of time, the bell rings, allowing Alisa to slip away with you."L-Let's go..."She stutters as she grabs your hand and slips inside class.


As the school day finishes, you wait for Alisa outside her class, sitting on her locker."Hey Michael!'She greets you as she waves at you chirpily."It's a lovely day ain't it~"You respond as you smile at her."Yeah, it is."She replies,"Just a shame we have to leave for a Gala dinner later..."She mutters."Yup..."You add as you look away.'Anyway, I decided to gie you something special~"She remarks with a smirk as she walk with you."It's to do with my Stuart ain't it..."You respond, thinking about what could she have done to it.

"Ta da!'Alisa exclaims as she points to your Stuart.'Wow..."You comment with a mesmerised smile as you realise she's painted a little Phoenix on the side, looking as if it's rising from the ashes."I love it!"You exclaim as you embarce Alisa in a tight hug.'Hey! No need to be that close! It's only that good because I had time in the wee hours of today!"She replies with a slight giggle."You release her from the hug and respond,"But I'd never thought of doing something with that~"You say happily."Thanks for the compliment!"She responds as she lightly rubs the side of the art."this thing is going to be a BEAST tomorrow~"You comment as you hop into it.

"I'll leave you be with your crew by the way!"Alisa exclaims as she notices your crew coming over."Hey Luke! Take a look at the outisde!'You call out to your driver as you think about the plan tomorrow."Oh wow! This looks great!"He comments as Oliviaapproaches the tank."by the way, we finally got a gunner!"You exclaim as you look out of the cupola."Really? Who?"He replies.'It's Alisa's Sherman gunner, Olivia!"he chuckles and responds,'No way dude! This is big!"You nod and add,"Mhm!"

 A couple hours later, and the tank is transported to the location, you find yourself in the gala.You find your seat and wait for Alisa. A few minutes later, you see Alisa dressed in a sky blue dress that brings out the best in her frame."Hey Alisa!"You greet her as you spot her."Howdy!"She responds."These things can get really stuffy huh?"You remarks as you strike up a conversation with her."Yeah, Foie Gras, Caviar? BAh, sometimes all I want is a hearty cheeseburger you know!"She comments."Don't worry Alisa, if the food stinks, I'll get a Pizza for you. That'll give those social Parasites something to gossip about~"Alisa giggles and nudges you playfuly, as an amazing night begins for both of you

A heart of ironOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora