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22 years.

4 years is a long time.

People grow old, some get wrinkles on their skin and white hair on that time span. Other people find love and establish a home of their own. Some finally get their lives together, and some others have their lives crushed in a second.

But 4 years she'd been waiting for this.

She'd gotten on a plane about four years and a half ago, saying goodbye to the life she thought she'd always bear. But fate itself had other plans for Junoh. She'd made it, she'd won the scholarship to go abroad and study in one of the most prestigious universities in the world... for free.

It all had been worthy. But there was always something missing in her life abroad. Him.

Of course they had promised each other they wouldn't forget about the other. Of course they had tried to keep the friendship most people were jealous of, but people change in four years. People grow old, and drift apart.

So even when her heart ached, she started living her own life. Deciding not to mop on the fact that he'd forgotten about her, she succeeded her business and architecture degree, and now she was a renowned architect. She also had her own company and she created fabulous homes for fabulous people.

But none of it mattered if he'd forgotten about her.

Yes, they exchanged likes on Instagram and commented little heart emojis on the other's pictures, but they hadn't properly talked to each other in so long. But thanks to that social media platform, she'd been able to keep up with his life, even if it was just through one or two pictures shared a year.

He'd also made it. He was a phenomenal photographer, working in the fashion industry but also never losing his love for nature. He'd once a year hold and open house, where he'd share his most beautiful works and sell them all –because who wouldn't want to have a mesmerizing picture taken by Choi Beomgyu on their dining room.

And there she was, at the annual open house of portrays, as he'd call them.

She was taken aback when she arrived at the mansion, and more shocked to find out it was, indeed, his house.

Coming back to Korea wasn't easy. She'd left so many things, so many memories behind. But she wanted to retrieve the one thing that made her heart race. Him.

So there she stood, standing near the back of the room, her eyes glued to the man dressed in a hand tailored suit, his hair fixed perfectly, smile never leaving his lips and light never leaving his eyes. He talked with that soft yet strong voice she'd only heard a couple of years ago, and it made things to her heart.

Four years is a lot of time, but somehow Beomgyu managed to make her feel as if she'd never left.

The crowd broke into a round of applause and he bowed contently, waiting for people to roam around before getting off the small stage that had been arranged for the special moment.

He was walking towards her, with a giant smile plastered on his face and she couldn't believe he'd managed to see her in the big crowd of people. And suddenly, Junoh was eighteen years old all over again.

But the smile wasn't for her.

"Hyung, you came!", he walked past her, only a few people away, and hugged none other than Junoh's older brother: Yeonjun.

"Of course I did", the older smiled widely as he patted Beomgyu's back softly. "I can't stay for long, though. But maybe I'll bring something home".

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