XXVII ; something you won't forget.

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« hemmings »

I flopped down on the couch by Calum and groaned, I was tired of anything and everything and just wanted to go back to be and read sappy romance stories to make my life seem better. But of course Calum wasn't having that and dragged me out of my house and forced me to come to his. So that's how I ended up with a person I wanted to slap in the face watching mtv news.

Apparently there was this new song coming up that he wanted to show me because it was by his new favorite band. I didn't want to think of bands though, because my mind always imagined the band wristbands wrapped around Michael's tiny wrists as he would go on and on about his favorite songs and who was the hottest member of what band.

"C'mon mate lighten up, I swear you'll love them." Calum smiled passing me a bowl of Doritos and a jar of Nutella.

"What if I don't?"

"I will buy you pizza whenever you want for the next month."

I beamed throwing my fist in the air and kicking my feet up, "deal." He laughed and shook his head.

"You're such a child sometimes."

"Hey Cal, I've gotta question?" I whispered not meeting his eye simply to keep from upsetting him, he hummed in response. "When's the last time you talked to Ashton?"

He looked taken aback as his eyes widened though he instantly covered it by coughing in his hand. Obviously he would because the last time he meant ironed Ashton he was going on about some bad things that happened in America, how they wouldn't make it for summer break.

"A-About a year ago."

"Not even a text? A happy holidays voicemail? Anything?"

"Luke people drift apart, I guess that's what happened with us, but it's fine now."

"But Calum it's not, you obviously miss him."

"He moved on, and so will I."

"Then come to me."

"NO." He screamed jumping to his feet, "I mean I can't do that to him, or Mikey -- just wait you'll see Luke."

"Why doesn't anybody want me?" I whined.

"Michael did, and all you did was call him a fag."

"Oh. . . yeah."

"Hey it's starting!" Calum giggled jumping up and down waving his arms in the air like an excited child, he flopped down on the couch and reached for the remote turning the volume on high blast.

"In the music industry we have a new duo rising it's way to the tops of the charts -- the first song released from their upcoming EP has already beelines to the place of number one in today's hits."

"I don't see how this applies to me," I murmured shoving another handful of chips in my mouth.

"These two Aussies moved to LA almost two years ago to begin their career in the music industry -- they blew alway many company's earning multiple shots with the best record companies."

"The boys themselves begun this career at the ripe age of eighteen and twenty one (a/n : pilots) though they were writing songs for years, some songs to be seen on their EP actually come from the lead vocalists old song book he'd written when he was sixteen."

"This song is very heartfelt and obviously about a special somebody who captured the lead singers heart. Now onto the music, here's Wrapped Around Your Finger by Bromance!"

The image of the woman faded to a blurry image with a play button centered in the middle, obviously they did some weird ass tech for their music video and I could've vomited in my mouth -- this sounded like the gayest thing ever. I mean really, Bromance? Wrapped Around Your Finger?

Please pass me a doggie bag.

A mouse zoomed in and pressed play as my ears were instantly hit by a -- sadly -- amazing beat. The video was dark but I could make out the silhouette of a boy standing by a house.

The video quality brightened as I noticed the boy had amazing vocals and I begun to realize it why he made it big instantly, his voice was raspy but not too raspy as it was still raw with emotion.

The image faded to a new one, of a boy playing guitar with his head down as a boy in the shadows was playing the drums, his figure dark though every time he hit the drum set it would brighten the room -- like a strobe light that went with the beat of the music.

The video went on like this, random clips of the lead vocalist hanging around with somebody in a hoodie as the occasional laughter was heard, close ups of the drummer and a stage with the two boys flashed by strobe lights. I hate to admit it but the video was amazing and the effects were perfect.

The video was nearing the end and I was quite upset that the boys faces were never revealed -- until the very last note when the two boys stood side by side with their heads down, the image flickered and they had their heads up looking beyond the camera.

It was Michael and Ashton center stage.

"Hey Lukey, I just wanted to tell you that I really do love you and well, I belong here -- this is where."

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