Chapter 2: Corsets and Lipstick

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(UTHOR'S NOTE: I wrote this last year before all the danonation stuff started and now there's interest in it so I think i'm gonna publish/work on the other parts to this!)

"A show? What kind of show?" "It's a surprise until I get there." Dwayne said. His mother sighed. "I just don't know how comfortable I am with--" "Mom, I'm 17! I can handle myself!" Dwayne said, which kind of made no sense but go off bitch. "Do you have a ride? Do either of these friends of yours drive?" "Yes!" Dwayne lied. "They're picking me up at 7:30!" Sheryl frowned. "If you're sure it's a good idea..." "Yes! I'll be fine!" Dwayne said, eager to convince his mother. 

Dwayne waited for Lorna and Victor to show up, anxiously. He ate dinner, tummy twisted with excitement, while Olive gushed about her day. He showed a rare smile that night, something his parents noticed. When he finally got the message that they were waiting, Dwayne ran out of the house, stopping outside a red convertible rumbling in the driveway. "Hey, you're here!" Dwayne exclaimed. Victor, laying in the backseat, pointed to the passenger. "Hop in." Lorna opened the door for him and Dwayne slid in, grinning. "Are you excited for the show?" Victor asked, leaning over Dwayne's shoulder. "I..I don't know what it is yet. I'm a little nervous, honestly." "Don't be, you'll love it." Lorna reassured him, peeling down the road.  Dwayne felt the cold night air hitting his face, blowing back his hair. His heart soared, he felt weightless.

The theatre was glowing gold and yellow, bright lights shining from the inside and making Dwayne's heart race. This was happening. "Come on, Dwayne." Lorna took his hand and dragged him up to the entrance, opening the door for him. Her hands felt warm and  soft like a baby rabbit.  

The room was packed with people, all crowding around a low stage with gold and red heavy  curtains draped over it, a long catwalk extending into the center. A single cold spotlight lit up the curtains. Dwayne shivered with anticipation. "Up front so we can see good!!" Victor encouraged, pushing Dwayne through the sweaty people. Dwayne noticed a lot of lipstick on masculine faces and jewelry on adam's-apple throats. This was getting interesting. "Please welcome to the stage...Eileen Dover!!!" An announcer shouted from backstage, his voice echoing off of the engraved walls. The curtains parted, revealing a woman, tall and large, with a towering blue beehive and enormous pink pearls. "Hello, dolls!" She exclaimed, her voice booming. Large fake bosoms bounced on her chest, barely covered by a silky, sequined yellow evening dress. Her thick wrists were adorned with jewels that sparkled in the spotlight, she towered on strappy gold heels and her ears were weighed down with heavy hoops. Dwayne wondered if Victor was also getting somewhat of a boner or if it was just him. He decided to ignore it. 

Had Lorna taken him to a drag show? Dwayne thought to himself, somewhat excited. Oh my God. This is certainly something else.  "Now I hope none of y'all in here have social anxiety because tonight is going to require a lot of audience participation!" Eileen said, clutching the microphone. "Who's ready to get yassified?" (I'M SORRY) 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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