if you love her

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This one shot is inspired by Forest Blakk's If You Love Her, do stream it's really good!

Haitani Ran

"Promise me you'll only love me for the rest of your life," he said as he brushed her cheek. The girl giggled and nodded, which made him frown, "say it."

"I only want you for the rest of my life, Haitani Ran!" she declared as she hugged him tight.

He opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling. It's that dream again, a flashback of the time when they were so happy together.

Ran Haitani, a famous executive of the biggest criminal organization in Japan. Feared by many, adored by women – but this is where his life fell down as well.

He closed his eyes and bit his lip. This is it, who would have thought this is how their story would go down.

He stood up and fixed the blanket, and mindlessly stared at her side of the bed.

"I don't wanna sleep on the right side!" she pouts her lips, making the male chuckle at her cuteness

"I don't see any difference between sleeping here or there, darling. What are you trying to argue for?"

The male once again tried to lie on the left side but she kicked him too hard in his guts that he fell down

Her eyes went wide and kneeled beside her boyfriend, "baby, you good?"

Ran groaned in pain but nodded, "fine fine, you can have the left side!"

She screamed 'yes' and started dancing like a fool as she won for the nth time.

He scoffed at that memory, so childish he thought

but that same childish girl broke his heart into millions of pieces as well, he even decided to never love again if it's not her. And he knows, it will never be him again.

Ran went in the bathroom to take a shower, while feeling the water fall down his naked body, he remember something, again.

It was a time he went home covered in bruises and blood. He won the fight but he was injured as fuck, too. Y/N immediately ran to him and looked at his face, he just gave her an innocent smile. She sighed, it's his decision as to how he would live his life, she will never try to change him but she sometimes wishes he'd be a little careful and stop going home covered with different kinds of injuries.

The girl pulled him to the bathroom, "hey I know I look hot but I don't want our first sex with me brutally beaten up!"

She raised a brow at him and scoffed, "as if I'd have sex with you."

IF YOU LOVE HER || Ran Haitani one shotNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ