49. Show Time

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Douxie POV:

"Arcane Order! Hisirdoux is here!"

I saw that Skrael was about to touch Steve with his long ice nails.

"Ah-ah-ah-ah! Hold your hexes if you still want these"

I pull out the seals that was in my hand.

"The Genesis Seals" Skarel hisses

"You want them? Well, come and get them. I'll be at the café"

My little transition was concluded and I walked over to where Krel and Archie were.

"Your designs were complicated but I'm 98.442 percent sure that this will work"

He places the last tech item on the toy.

"Akiridion tech and magic are so compatible! Who would have thought?" Krel chuckles.

I pick it up carefully.

"No turning back now" Archie said looking at it closely

"Wasn't planning on it. Arch, pass me those salad bowls, then head out"

"Krel, prep the airship" I instruct

"I'll always follow you, Doux, but this could be a huge mistake"

"Did you see Nari or Laylah" Adeline asks.

I forgot Adeline was even here.

I shake my head. "No, I didn't and I'm worried, so we have to do everything we can"

"A wizard doesn't make mistakes—he makes unexpected possibilities"

It had been half an hour or so and I was in the dark waiting for the arcane orders arrival. I finally heard the café shop door open. The bell at the top rang wildly.

It was showtime.

"Milords and ladies... gather round!"

The light above me flickers on.

"Test your luck with the lad of fortune. Find the seals, win the planet"

I start shuffling the salad bowls around and around.

"Keep your eyes on the prize. Round and round it goes..."

I slowly stop.

"Now, choose"

"That one!" Bellroc says pointing his staff to the middle salad bowl.

"Are you absolutely positive?" I ask

"Enough games! We have made our choice!"

I smirk as he picks the middle bowl up. The trap was now in play. The turns around and quickly trapped the 2 into a time bubble.

"Agh! What is this strangeness??"

"It's a miniature Heart of Avalon"

I guitar staff appears in my hands

"Scrapped it together out of bits the old one"

"I call it: Hisirdoux's eternal time trap!" I yell into a magic microphone and drop it.

"You dare meddle with the forces of time?"

"You lack the power to control such an instrument" They roll their eyes.

"My whole life, people—Arthur, Merlin you—have been saying that

"I believed it so I never tried "

"But my friends and my girlfriend helped me realize I am strong enough!" I strum on my electric guitar

"I am Hisirdoux Casperan...second successor to Merlin and protector of this realm!"

I bang my guitar on the table.

"You want the seals? Go get them!" I throw the seals inside the time hole


"After them!"

"Bon voyage, Buttsnacks!"


Heyyy Guys


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