To Acquaintances

785 51 53

by seekerluv
started on: Nov 9, 2021
published on: Nov 24, 2021
words: 4858



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The Oxford Dictionary definition of the word acquaintances is a person that you know but who is not a close friend.

Thinking about it now, we all have fellow acquaintances. That one classmate you only talk to because third period sucks ass. Or the friend of your best friend who you don't really like but that's not really what matters.

To Dream, he doesn't consider anybody an "acquaintance" because he either likes them or he doesn't, no in-between. Life in New York taught him that. Usually, he gets along with everybody though however, it'd be so terrible to just have hundreds of acquaintances and only two or three friends.

And Sapnap, he's someone Dream would never even think about categorizing as just someone he knows but not a close friend.

Somehow being strangers just sounds much more, full.

But who really ever uses the word, acquaintance, anyways right?

Tuesday Night - Manhattan, New York, 12:58 AM

"Okay yeah, thank you. Yes, we're okay, thank you again." Dream hangs up on the emergency line.

He dialed 911 because after all there's only so much oxygen in an enclosed train pod but they'd have plenty of air for the next few hours.

At least until the firefighters can come to the rescue or until the electricity is returned to the city parts that lost it.

Luckily our train didn't stop while being underground, if it did, it would've been a hundred degrees and completely dark.

The blond sits back down next to Sapnap and a comfortable silence falls over the both of them.

He takes off his backpack setting it beside him, "You go to school right?" Dream asks, breaking the silence.

Sapnap turns his head over to see him instead of fidgeting with his hands.

"Yeah! It's just a community college though, nothing too special, but I too have a job." He says.

It's not interesting at all and yet Dream seems to be all ears to just hear this guy talk about literally anything.

"Community college is great in my opinion, University is way too expensive and overrated." Dream says and Sapnap laughs.

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