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-Jade's POV-

"Jade!" My aunt called my name harshly from upstairs. "Stop that fucking shit you call music down there, or you'll get it!" I stopped playing the drums, paused my auto piano and electric guitar. I ran out from the basement, and to the living room, where my aunt Lindsay was standing angrily. "Stop your music, now." I couldn't believe the words came out of her mouth. I knew she hated music, but she had never said that to me before. And I wasn't gonna let her take control of my life like that.

"No." I argued back calmly, with a bit of sass. Why in bloody hell should I listen to her? She never supported anything I wanted to do. I finally found out what I wanted to do with my life, to move forward, and she's persistent to dump it all down the drain. I could see the vein in her forehead bulging out, and she finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"I don't want see your face, I don't want to hear your voice, and I most definitely do not want to hear your absurd music in my home again!" Her words rang in my ears. I immediately ran up to my room, packed the little things I had, stormed out the house, slamming the front door extremely hard, and began to walk in the pouring rain at night. 

Sooooooooo. Did you guys like it? It's my first story that I'm putting effort into and I'm trying to see whether or not I should continue with it.

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