"Abbu," Nasiha shouted bringing me back to reality.

"How are you meri jaan and how was school," he asked.

"It was good. I made a friend today. He was sad and when I asked why he said he had no friends so I became friends with him," she said with a smile.

That's good. He said hugging her then he went to freshen up while I set the table.

After having supper Nasiha went to bed as she gets really tired. I was just relaxing on Farzaan's chest while he played with my hair.

"What's wrong jaan? Where are you lost?" he asked.

"Farzi why don't you and Nasiha stay with your parents?" I asked.

His hand stilled but then he continued and then started speaking.

"My parents didn't want to look after Nasiha neither did bhabhi's parents."

"Bhabhi's father and my father were rivals and they didn't accept bhaijaan's and bhabhi's relationship."

"When both bhaijaan and bhabhi passed away they wanted to put Nasiha in an orphanage but I took her responsibility making them throw me out. Recently my father started talking to me and that was when he helped us out when we were about to get married."

"They still not happy but they have come to terms with it. I just don't want Nasiha going through any stress because sometimes when I'm not around they can I'll treat her." He explained.

When he was done there were tears in my eyes.

"You have done a good job. Bhaijaan and Bhabhi must be so proud of you," I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too," I replied. Making ourselves comfortable we fell off to sleep.

The next morning.

I woke up and noticed Farzaan isn't in bed so when I checked the time it was past 8 am.

"How did I sleep so long?" Jumping out I had a quick shower and got dressed. When I went out I saw Nasiha and Farzaan making breakfast and they looked so cute but whatever they were making was making me feel nauseous.

I really need to see a doctor. I have been feeling like this for a few days now.

I was just about to walk when I felt dizzy and the next moment I blacked out.

Waking up I noticed I'm in the hospital and Farzaan was sitting by my bedside.

"Farzi, What happen?" I asked.

"Jaan you awake. How you feeling?" he asked with worry.

"I'm okay. What happened?" I asked.

"You fainted. You pregnant jaan," He said with a huge grin on his face as he kissed my head.

"I'm pregnant?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"Yes jaan."

"Mrs. Abdul, how are you feeling?" asked the doctor as she walked in with the nurse.

"I'm much better, thank you, doctor."

"That's good. Well, I'm sure your husband has given you the good news. Do you feel sick or dizzy often?"

"I only felt dizzy this morning but nauseous I felt for a few days.

"Okay. Well, I have been prescribed some meds. It should help. Make sure you come for your checkup every month and if you experience any pain then make sure you bring it to my attention."

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