James has been a headache and my first lover since I was a teenager. Besides Ted, he was the only man who could make me feel weak and part of the reason I built a tough shell around myself. When I first met James he was a sexy, wild, young nigga from the streets but now he's changed and hopefully his head is in the best place. I don't need another man trying to break up me and Ted. 

*ding dong 

"That's the door I'll go get it" I said putting on my slippers. "Naw I got it" Ted said walking out before I could respond. 

I went to Honesty's room to make sure she was dressed and prepared for our conversation. 

When I walked to the living room, the tension was so thick in the air you could cut it with a knife. Ted sat on one couch staring James down, and James sat at the other doing the same. 

"Daddy!" Honesty yelled running down the stairs to hug James. "Hey baby girl, you happy to me?" He asked picking her up. "Yes I am. Now both my daddies and mommy can go swimming with me" she sang and all of us had a look of pity on our face. 

How am I supposed to tell my daughter that her real daddy raped me and that he was somewhere dead in a basement in Detroit. "Well first baby girl, we need to have a talk with you" James said sitting her down next to him. 

"Okay honey, mommy has something to tell you, are you listening?" Honesty shook her head yes and I continued. "In grown up life things don't always go as planned and sometimes the world is full of bad people" I said trying not to cry. 

"You mean like the bad guys on tv" she asked looking up at me. "Yes, baby just like them. See baby James is your real daddy and Teddy is your step daddy" the words were never supposed to leave my mouth but I just couldn't tell my baby that I was raped. James has been their since the beginning and I don't mind her believing that he is her daddy. 

Teddy walked out the room looking pissed and I know we have a lot to talk about but not right now. "What's a step daddy mommy?" she asked. "A step daddy means that when mommy had her big wedding, Teddy became your step daddy. It's like having two daddies who love you a lot, both of them will always be here for you no matter what okay." Honesty looked confused but it was the best I could do. 

"Can we go get ice cream mommy?" Honesty asked. "Sure baby, let me go check on Teddy first. 

I walked into Ted's office and he sat at his computer doing work. "Are you mad at me?" I asked sitting in the chair across from his.

"Yes Love, I mean you know I love that girl just as much as him. Then you go tell her that I'm her step dad and he's her real one. We both know that's false and you need to be honest with her. Matter of fact you need to get that nigga up out of my house" Ted said getting pissed. 

"I'm sorry baby I just thought things would be better this way. She will still love you just as much. I don't want to relive that night so telling her this puts me at ease and gives her somewhat of a normal childhood. Look were going out ice cream and I wanted to know if you wanted to go?" Teddy never responded so left to get in the car. 


Of course Lovely still looks just as beautiful as the day I fell in love with her but I didn't even come down here to mess up a happy home. Teddy can have her as long as I can have my baby girl. Plus I know if I wanted Love back I could have her.

We went to Cold Stone's to get some ice cream and I watched my baby girl get super excited. "Daddy can I get five ice cream's with lots of chocolate" she asked running up to the counter. "Yes baby, you know Daddy will let you have anything" I said picking her up. 

"Girl your only getting one ice cream. You will get sick eating five" Lovely said being a party pooper. I heard Honesty smack her lips and knew she had her mother's attitude. We got our ice cream and walked to a table outside to eat. 

"So how you been?" I asked Love watching her demolish her mint chocolate ice cream. "Pretty good, just trying to get adjusted to this Miami lifestyle. You know its nothing like home. What about yo...?" She asked and then her words started to trail off. I watched her stare at a tall man with lots of jewels walk out of Cold Stone's. It wasn't hard for me to detect that the guy was a drug dealer, I know his kind especially by the way he walked. 

Lovely tried to hide her face but the guy was already coming towards us. "Yo, you cheating on Ted or something. Who is that guy?" I asked in a whisper. "Shut up stupid, I wouldn't cheat on him. He's just some loser who won't leave me alone" she managed to finish before the guy approached us. 

"Hello beautiful, it seems like were always running into each other" the guy said walking up to the table. Lovely tried her best to ignore him but when the guy took a seat at the table with us I know she got mad. "Is this your daughter, she looks just like you?" the guy asked looking at Honesty and I immediately got mad. Shit I don't know if this nigga a stalker or something. 

"Look man, I advise you just to leave now" I said standing up. The guy stood up to and Lovely grabbed Honesty. "My bad fam I don't remember talking to you" the guy said getting in my face. "Solomon get out of here. You know I'm not interested and you've caused enough trouble" Love said stepping in between us. 

"Alright baby, but I'll be seeing you around" Solo said walking off. "Man come on dawg" James said grabbing my hand. "Where we going?" I asked. 

"To get your simple-minded ass a gun..."


                                                                        XOXO TRICE. 

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