I guess this means goodbye

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*the train would start honking*

Hunter: well I guess this means goodbye for now

Rize: it was nice having you with us hunter

Hunter: yea I really enjoy being with yall. And I won't forget all the adventures we done together

*the train honks again*

Kendra: come on hunter we gotta go

Xhunter: yea we don't wanna miss this ride

Hunter: *sigh* I'm really going to miss you guys goodbye

Steve: goodbye son we love you

Hunter: I love you guys to

*before hunter hops on toby would hold his hand crying*

Hunter: hey hey hey it's ok I will visit you

Toby: b-but what if you forget about me

Hunter: awww I'm not going to forgive you ok I love you

*hunter would hug toby tightly*

Hunter: stay strong for me okay

Toby: o-okay

Hunter: oh I will text you.. Anyways love you guys see ya

*the train would honk again and start leaving and they did there final goodbye waves*

toby: im going to miss him

steve we all will

dawn & dusk: are we late?

rize: yeah they left

dusk: looks like we gotta start running 

dawn: yep let's go

*they both would follow the train why everyone eals went home*

toby: *sigh* I'm going to miss him so damn much even sleeping with him I'm going to miss that to

*after that hunter would send a pic of him on the train*

toby: *giggles* that silly bozo i hope he stay safe

The End

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