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Magic is an arcane source of primal energy that certain beings are able to tap into and draw from in order to make phenomena happen that cannot be explained in any scientific way. Magic can be either learned or inherited, and it may result from a blessing, a curse, or simply a neutral occurrence.

There are many different aspects of magic that determine how magic can be used depending on what rules your world follows. There are some basic fundamental principles of magic that are pretty much consistent throughout all universes. All magic must come from a source and have limitations and/or consequences in order to seem viable. After all, you need to be able to put a cap on users' abilities somehow, otherwise magical dictators would run amok and create absolute pandemonium—unless, of course, that's what you're aiming for.

In this book, I hope to discuss my own personal theories on how magic works, covering everything from broader ideas about how it works to more specifics such as frequently used fantastical beings. I intend to convey this through a mix of instructional chapters discussing my personal rules for magic and short narrative pieces of my own character development that serve as loosely-connected examples. Due to this, many of my chapters are prone to updates and changes as I continue to explore the fantasy genre and absorb more perspectives to add to my rules of magic from various authors and writers.

* Disclaimer: Currently, I'm mostly using this book to jot down short stories and other fantastical ideas I have floating around in my head. You may see a lot of these in the coming months before I get the chance to sit down and fully develop my theories to be published. *

Without no further ado, I hope you enjoy my perspective on my absolute favorite genre! As always, feel free to give me feedback, point out my typos, and share your own theories and ideas with me in the comments. I love hearing from you guys! Just do me a favor and keep it respectful down there, hey?

~ Misty ❄️

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