1 / snow day

346 4 7

word count; 1785

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Harry and I had just arrived at our winter cabin yesterday, the one we've been going to every year since we were little. Our parents have been friends since before we were born, so naturally, we grew up together. After years of us being friends, I started growing feelings for Harry, and when he asked me to be his girlfriend three years ago, I knew he had, too. Now he and I are in college, and we've been coming to this cabin with just the two of us.

I slowly wake up to the bright white of snow outside of the window. I rub the tiredness out of my eyes and open them to look at the glistening snow. Harry is still asleep, with his arm loosely draped over my waist and his head buried into my neck. I slowly turn around, careful not to wake him. Now facing him, I watch his slow, steady breaths. He's buried under the covers with his bedhead all over his face and pillow. I brush his long curls out of his face and he stirs a little, before going back to his calm sleeping state.

Harry is one of the most beautiful boys I have ever met. He's always been very handsome but he's one of the people who you don't think can get any more good-looking, only to prove you wrong. I like to look at him and admire his features when he isn't looking, I feel like I could watch him forever.

Harry opened his eyes at some point while I was in my head because when I woke up from my thoughts to look at him again I saw his green eyes watching mine.

"Harry! You're awake," I smile, happy to see him up.  Harry rolls onto his back and rubs his eyes with the back of his hands.

"Yeah, I could feel you watching me and I woke up," he says in his raspy morning voice.

I sit up against the headboard and ruffle his messy curls, "Sorry Haz, you're just irresistible." He sits up next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and nuzzling his head into my neck. I giggle from his soft curls tickling me as he places a few kisses on my neck.

"Alright, I'm gonna take a shower and we can go out today, it'll be even better since it's still snowing," I tell him and kiss his cheek, pulling the sheets off of me and walking to the bathroom. He groans and lightly grips my hand, not wanting me to leave the warmth of our bed, but he eventually lets me go.

45 minutes later I walk into the kitchen and a delicious smell that makes me realize how hungry I am hits my nose. Harry is standing with his back facing me, making breakfast. He is wearing a big soft sweater that I gave him for Christmas that he's been wearing every day. I walk over to him and hug him from behind, nuzzling my head into his back. He turns his head and gives me a dimpled smile.

 "Hi baby, I'm making scrambled eggs," he diverts his attention back to what he's doing, "Go sit down and they'll be ready  in a minute." I stand on my tip-toes and plant a kiss on his cheek before walking over to the island to sit at one of the bar stools.

I watch the falling snow outside. I've always loved snow, I love when it's fresh and crunchy and the way it glistens. I've been looking forward to today, since Harry and I only come here for a week once a year. Tomorrow our four friends are coming over to stay for the week, but today is just me and Harry. We won't have much alone time after today so we should enjoy it as much as we can.

Harry snaps me out of my thoughts when he places the plate of scrambled eggs and glass of orange juice in front of me. He brings his own plate of scrambled eggs and sets it beside mine before sitting down. We talk about our plans for the rest of the week and share a few laughs as we eat.

We change into warmer clothes and I borrow one of Harry's hoodies which he knows I probably won't give back. He's used to it so he doesn't mind it. Harry grabs the car keys and we head out. When we get in the car he turns on the heater and turns to me.

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