Chapter 3: Suit

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I open my mouth to say something to Timebomb but he speaks first "So what are we doing today?" He asks. A little startled I respond "Probably gonna look some more for the man in the checkered suit." He considers this a moment "Ok but where do we look?" He says "We just ask around I guess. He doesn't seem like the kinda type to lay low, someone's bound to know him." I say. He nods and we start walking away. Venturian or Jordan,whatever, is still rambling about the rock. If he knew anything about science he'd know that it's not as he put it 'A giant glowing puke ball from outer space' it's just a rock with large amounts on moss and its glowing is cause by ghouls that have died here recently, about two or three days at most. Also that the ghoul had been moved because this is a busy area and regular civilians would get scared not only knowing the something was shot and killed in the area but that ghouls can get in and are around this area. As I continue to think about the rock I suddenly feel a spark of anger. Nothing made me mad so it must be Jordan. I hate how share feelings, he gets mad over stupid things. When I listen to what he's yelling I realize he's raging about a lawn gnome a few feet in front of us. God I wish he'd shut up. I shoot the gnome just so he'd be quite. Timebomb looks at me funny. My heart starts beating faster and I get really nervous. "Shooting practice." I say quickly. Still looking a little funny at me he nods. I'm so embarrassed, sometimes I hate Jordan. We keep walking asking random people if they've seen the man in the checkered suit. Not much but we did get some information about him, mostly that he's a jerk. Finally we got some good information. After visiting Jeanie May Crawford we found out that Manny Vargas knows the whereabouts of the man in the suit.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2015 ⏰

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