'Anything comes up...'

Start from the beginning

"Hadn't met a sifter before." You continue your story. "Hell I didn't even know they existed" you say kinda scolding all your 'coaches' in your head, for missing out to teach you some basic stuff about them. "And then Damn, there's another fucking Kat, right in front of me, talking bullshit about my life. You continue and Dean catches up and turns to you, focused, eager to hear the story. It's always fun to share hunting stories with other hunters. Well, becomes something more than fun, when the other hunter is you.

"And I'm like, 'what the fuck man'" you chuckle at your self. "And I don't even know how to kill it, you know?" You remind them. "And the Shift is 'blah, blah, your dead father, blah, your cursed family' and all the lame, dramatic shit they usually say..." Both Winchesters laugh at how actually accurate is this, for shapeshifters, and also at how cooly and humourously you describe it.

"And I'm yeah, you're a handsome bastard, but I need you to die. And I raise my gun and she laughs. Like really charmingly. She was hot" you say cheekily and they chuckle again. "You know you cannot kill me with that huh?" You say in a mocking tone, miming her. But all I had was my gun and a knife. So I shoot her 2-3 times on the head. What I didn't know, is that I was way damn lucky."

"Silver bullets?" Dean asks and you nod. "Always went for having some loaded in the gun. Just in case. I was lucky that this was the shifts' way too. Anyway, long story short, it was weird, having to burn down and bury my body." You chuckle at the end, receiving similar reactions.

"Maaan" says Sam, running a hand through his hair. "Crazy world, we live in" and you nod. "Tell me about it" you say in unison with Dean and you both turn to look at each other, before both start laughing. For a moment, it felt like the old time, easy and natural.

Sam raises his hand to make a toast. "To good old friends" he says smiling widely, genuinely happy for being here. You and Dean follow, grinning lightly. "Good old friends" you repeat before taking a few ships from your whiskey.

"So, how's John?" You turn to them. They both frown and you immediately take the hint, that something's wrong. "What?" You ask furrowing your eyebrows. "He's gone missing" Sam explains and Dean tenses up.

"What do you mean missing? When?" You ask confused and Dean hesitates. John has been very criptic about the whole situation, so he's not sure if he sould really share the details. On the other hand, it was you. There was a point when he trusted you more than himself. But then again, it's been four years, and he couldn't know what could have happened to you during those years, what you could have turned into. But damn, you feel so the same.

"He was on a hunt. The one I was talking earlier. The woman in white" Sam gets him out if the dilemma, trusting you blindly. He can't say he exactly disagrees with his brother. "And then he dropped it and disappeared. Obviously on purpose. Since he left Dean messages sending him to hunts." He continued staring tensing up, obviously agree at his father behaviour.

You sigh looking at them both. Knowing John, you know he would do something like that. So, you can't say that you worry exactly, but you can't help but think that that obviously something's going on. "And now you're trying to trace him huh?" You ask and they both nod. "Well, let me know if I can do anything to help. I mean after tonight too. You say and turn to Dean. "Gi'me your phone" you say suddenly and he obeys automatically. You write down your phone number.
"In case I indeed can help" you explain and Dean nodes, saving your number.

"So" you start grabbing your stuff. "It's been truly great fellas. Really. But I drink any more, I won't be able to drive. And I really need to hit the road tonight. There's another case waiting." Both brother scowl at the news.

"Yeah, uhm, sure. We should get going to Sammy" Dean says and Sam agrees.

Soon you're all outside, in the parking lot, you in front of the Mustang, ready to go.

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