where.. am i?

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You hadn't quite remembered when you had got to this... place. It seemed like you were in a forest of some sort. Wandering around. In the distance you see light and decide to walk towards it, hoping to find something, anything. As you made your way over the littered forest ground, you almost trip over a fallen tree. You gasp, almost falling over.

"shit..that was close" you mumble quietly. You finally remember what you were doing again and continue towards the light. At that point, your eyes had adjusted to the darkness so seeing the bright fire blinded you. There was a campfire in the opening. Once you could see again, you jumped. There were people.. in the middle of the woods. You manage to say something.

"um.. hello?"

One of the people turned around quickly. It was a guy, he looked like he could be at-least 6 ft tall.

"Oh hey! A new person" he says, causing the others to turn around,"My name is Dwight!" You look around at your surroundings accidentally disregarding what Dwight said. There was a huge campfire and a tree stump laid down to be sat on. It was a nice little area but it had an unsettling feeling to it. Like someone was watching them through the woods. "Where.. are we?" you say, while studying the other people at the campfire. Someone sitting at the the campfire answers. "We call it 'The Realm'" they say, letting out a scoff, "My names Nea." Her voice was smooth. It was hard to explain.

"W- What?" you say, accidentally stuttering, "What's that supposed to mean?" you start to sweat from the fire and you shuffle a bit away. "We don't know what its called yet. We haven't been told anything, even from people that have been here for long" the person speaking moves their eyes to Dwight, who just smiles nervously. Like the other two, you wait for them to say their name but they just start fidgeting with a stick they found. After a awkward few seconds you try to ask, only to be cut off by a loud sound.

"What the hell was that?" you say, startled. "Oh hey! We got a match!" Dwight says enthusiastically. "What? What does that mean?" this starts to get you scared and you start breathing heavily. "God, you ask too many questions" Nea says, chuckling. Before you can say something, you black out.



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