"You finally decided yourself to make the move" my best mate, Haz, said. It took me a while to know what he was talking about.

"It was a game" I said with a little bit of gloom in my voice.

"You could have simply said no" but I wanted to. I needed to know how her lips taste like.

"However she doesn't like me" he shock his head in disbelief.

"She definitely likes you. She stared at you the whole time, she didn't move, and I bet when she turned was because she blushed" he raise his eyebrows and smirked. But I know he says that to make me feel in certain way better. But I know he is lying.

"She didn't kiss me back" I looked down at my hands. I like her since a long time ago, since that time when we went to a trip just the six of us, Harry, Sam, Haz, Paddy, y/n and me. We went to a lake, camping, we were swimming until it was late, we had such a good time. She forgot to carry something to put after the lake so she was freezing, I let her my shirt and tried to warm her by putting my arm around her tiny body until we arrived to the tents. It was there when I notice I want her to be more than just a friend. And since then I can't take her out of my mind no matter how hard I try. And every day I spend with her my feelings just grow. But I know she will never be mine.

We are such good friends, we met because of Sam, they became friends since kindergartner. She is friend with both of them, Harry and Sam, then she became my friend to, and soon when Paddy could play with us, his too. She's amazing, she has one of those smiles that make the people around her do the same, a big heart that always put others first, and her eyes, damn her eyes, shine brighter than the sun. Her hair always fall like a river, wave like the ocean. She's always there for everyone, she will always make your day better just by being by your side.


"You gotta tell her" my best friend said as I packed my things. Tomorrow, me and Harry are leaving to Atlanta, to film a new movie. For four months.

"For the last time, no, I'm not going to ruin our friendship for some stupid feelings I already know she doesn't have" I've been repeating the same lines to the same boy since he knows I like her, since he encourage me to ruin our relationship.

"And for the last time, she likes you" he insisted with that, "she was just scared" I shook my head and close my bag, "just know that everything can happen in four months."

Some laughs were heard from outside. She just past by my door, doing the most adorable noise I have ever heard. I smiled to my self. I turned find Harrison smirking at me, "what?" He raised his hands in self defense and we changed the topic for how excited we are for our new projects.


"Hey, Harry" I called my brother, who is sitting next to me and to the window of the plane, he turned to see me, "can I ask you something?" He agreed and I think if it was correct to ask what I am about to ask, "does... does y/n like someone?" If someone knows are Harry and Sam, her best friends. A better option to this question is Sam, but he is not here.

He stayed in silence for a while, staring at me. I'm doing the same, waiting for his answer, "yes" he finally let the word left his mouth and his gaze return to the clouds outside the plane. I was expecting more than that.

"Can you tell me who he is?" He turned to look at me once again, nodding his head in disagreement.

"No, those are her things, if you want to know why don't you ask her?" He suit his body to the plane seat, "you have wait quite a lot to tell her" he started falling asleep.

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