"No ... No so much".

"Are you afraid of someone from Slytherin?".


"From the other houses?".

"I'm not afraid of any of them".

"Who are you more scared about. My brother or ... Or me?" I stare at him as he grabs me from my neck toughly. I breath heavily and he smiles. "Are. You. More. Afraid. Of. Mattheo. Or. Me. I won't ask again".


"I can see that" I shallow hard and he pulls away. He sits at my bed and stares at me. "You are afraid of my father, aren't you?".

"I ... "

"You what?".

"All are scared of him".

"What about you?".

"Yeah" I look down.

"Get your fricking head up when I'm talking to you".

I didn't. I didn't get my head. Insist of it I try to walk away but I sense Tom standing up from my bed.

"I'll be back in a minute".

"You won't be back in a minute because you are not gonna leave".

"Tom I-"

"You shut it".

Someone knocks the door and I look at Tom. He sighs and opens it. He sees Cedric. Cedric looks confused that Tom is in my dorm. He is a prefect anyway. He wouldn't be with me but I share the dorm with his brother. I can't do something. Tom walks away angry and Cedric walks inside.

"Hey Yn" I stare at him without talking. "Yn?".

"Why you didn't tell me?".

"Didn't tell you what?".

"Ok. Let's take it easy. How old am I, Cedric?".

"What question is it?".

"Just answer".

"16. Like all of us".

"What's my name?".


"Then, what's my last name".


"Don't lie to me".

He looks shocked. "Yn I-"

"Shut the hell up. Why did you lie to me? Huh? Why? I never lied to you. I was telling you everything".

"I know I just ... "

"You what?" I try not to yell.

"I always wanted a sister like you and I didn't know how you would react and ... I didn't want to lose you. You are actually like my sister even if we aren't siblings".

"Don't want to lose me?".


"Guess what. You already did".


"I told you multiple times that I don't like the liars".

"Yn please. C'mon. Don't do that to me".

"How would you react if I was telling you that we aren't siblings and that I knew that from ages ago?" He doesn't talk. "Talk".

"Look. I'm sorry. I-"

"Do not apologize. Tell me why did you lie to me".

"I wanted to protect you".

"From what?".

His property; Mattheo and Tom RiddleWhere stories live. Discover now