Chapter 8

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For the rest of the week, everything got repeated. Wake up, have Layla fix me up, go to school, talk to Colt and whoever else wanted to be around me, walk home, make dinner, do homework if I had any, go to sleep, and repeat.

But on Friday things changed. Colt was planning a party on Saturday and wanted me to come for some unknown reason.

"Yeah so on the first Saturday of every semester me and the guys throw this big party. You can come if you'd like."

"I don't know. Parties usually aren't my thing."I was lying then but I didn't want to risk another threat from Stella Kings. I used to go to tons of parties with my friends back home. They were small parties but parties none the less.

"Oh c'mon Grace!!! You have to come! Your first party in LA. This can be a good step for you."

"Welllllll," I can't believe myself. "Why not?"

Colt was completely ecstatic. "Great. I can come and pick you up tomorrow at 6:30. If that's okay"

Was I just...? No. No way. I am not being asked out. I am just being paranoid. Paranoid that my life here will be just like Tennessee.

"Grace?" I must've zoned out because Colt was looking worried about me.

"Oh. Sorry. Yeah, tomorrow. 6:30. Sounds good."

It was the end of the day, I was tired, I was hungry, and most importantly I needed something to wear to the party tomorrow. I didn't want to have do this but here goes nothing

"Layla, can you give me a ride?"

"Of course. I was just about to head home. Get in the car."

"Um... I don't need a ride home. I need a ride to a shop."

"Grace!!! I'm so proud of you! You want to go shopping?!?!" Wow she was shocked. I shop for clothes all of the time.

"Yeah. I uh, got invited to a party."

"Okay. Okay. Okay. Come on. I can go home later. I'm helping you shop."

"Lee, please don't make me any more than you already have. Okay? Do you understand?"

"Yes!" She was beaming with joy.

Maybe this was a bad idea...

Layla zoomed to the outlet mall on pretty much the other side of town.(Not really but we passed like 3 outlet malls on the way).

I had to call mom and tell her that we would be late due to a shopping trip.

She said, "That's more than fine sweetie! Stay out as long as you'd like! Layla has her credit card, right?"

I couldn't lie because Layla knew I'd try and made me do it on speaker phone. "Yes ma'am. She has it."

"Okay. That's great. Why don't you get something for you girls to eat while you're out? You can have some sisterly bonding time."


"Okay, Mom. Thanks. Love you"

"Love you too! Have fun!"

"Bye Mom."


Ugh too peppy right now. I just wish I never brought this up.

Layla was parked and had her purse in hand. I got out of the car and told her, "I just needed some little things like a top and some shoes. I could've just worn something that we bought."

"Grace. Those outfits aren't nearly good enough for a party. Tell me about this party so I have an idea on what to put you in."

To be perfectly honest, I wasn't sure. All I knew was that Colt was going to pick me up at 6:30 tomorrow evening. "Well my friend, Colt, invited me to his beginning-of-the-semester party" Beginning of the semester? Really Grace? "And instead if me wandering around looking for his house, he said he would pick me up tomorrow at 6:30."

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