014 : modern day fairytale

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( i don't know how to make you feel
a type of way )

"your such a strange girl,
i think you came from another

karima was startled by her
phone's constant buzzing, "THE PERFECT GIRL" by mareux
flooding from its speakers.

she forcefully slammed
the stop button, sighing. "all these
fucking alarms i swear"

today was october 25st, which
some may recognize as almost halloween, but to her it was a full year sober.

to drown out her feelings
she'd decided to do the one thing
she hated most, go to school.

since the word had already
gotten out about her time in la, what
else could she do to celebrate?

before she went to rehab
she'd celebrate halloween week alone
with a bottle of percocets & oxy.

needless to say, she'd
graduated from that low

nobody was even throwing
a halloween party this weekend anyway; 1.) because it was on a sunday 2.)
they'd all cancelled once word spread
that karima was hosting one
(cancelled) 3.) she probably wouldn't have
gone anyway.

"happy anniversary rima" she
whispered to herself, a smile on her face.
"i love you, you love me".

the words spoken to herself
caused weird looks from people walking
beside her on the street, but who

she could hear pattering footsteps behind her & turned around and see a sweaty monet with a paper bag with
karima's favorite bakery on the front.

"damn girl you walk fast as hell" she wheezed, passing her little sister the bag & stopping to catch her breath. 

"mom & dad are in palo alto
until next week, so since it's just gonna
be me 'n you i decided to gift
you a little something" the girl spoke.

karima chuckled, "tell rosé i
said thanks." "you know me so well."
monet snickered, looking around.

in her head she compared
last year's karima to this year's &
couldn't believe how much
growth she'd watched from the start.

"karima, i'm so incredibly proud
of you. i know we weren't on good terms
until recently & i can be a bitch sometimes-"


"okay, all the time" monet
rolled her eyes, "but that still doesn't
change the fact that you're my
baby sister & i love you to the moon
and back."

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