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Harry has the Ministry told you about this new Marriage Law. You go right up to Kingsley tomorrow and tell them that were are getting married. Lie if you have to and tell them we are already engaged. I am not losing you over this Law. I will lose my magic if I have to, but you are too important to me to lose you again. This is entirely unfair and I am not going to stand for it.

Ginny Weasley

Harry read the letter 3 times. He had in fact not been told about the Marriage law. He had no idea what she was talking about, but he was not losing Ginny over something the Ministry had dreamt up. He walked straight up to Kingsley's office that morning. He wanted some answers and he knew he would get them. Harry knocked hard on the door and stood back waiting to be let in. 

"Come in," Kingsley's voice rung out and by the tone Harry figured he was not in a good mood. Harry was standing firm though. He wasn't losing Ginny. Harry opened the door and Kingsley smiled at him. This made Harry feel loads better than he had moments before. 

"Harry, what a nice surprise this morning. How is the training going?"

"Great sir, I am really starting to get the hang of everything."

"Harry, it is actually very interesting that you are here right now, I was about to make an announcement to everyone. I am not happy about it either."

"Does it have anything to do with the Marriage Law?" Harry crossed his arm and tried to look like he disapproved.

"I am not sure how you heard about this, but yes it is. I am not thrilled about this."

"Then how is it going into effect?" Harry was starting to think Kingsley had nothing to do with this. 

"I was overruled." Kingsley stood up and walked right up to Harry, "I suspect you are here because of Ms. Weasley,"

"She sent me an owl last night. She wants me to inform you that we had already planned on being married. I don't know what you need to do to make that happen, but I am not losing her. If it comes down to it we are both prepared to leave the wizarding world."

"Harry the Wizengamot would never allow you to leave the wizarding world. I am sure they will accept it when I tell them you are already engaged. I suggest you get rid of that letter and go find Ginny a ring and send it to her right away."

Harry nodded and headed away to work, "Now Harry." Harry looked back his eyes grew wide and went in the other direcetion. He was going to go find a ring today.

Ginny was worried sick all morning until Harry's owl landed in front of her with a letter. She held her breath and hoped that everything had gone alright. That they were going to let them stay together. 

Ginny, Kingsley is going to help us. Burn this letter when you are done reading it. I have done the same with your letter. Kingsley is going to tell the Wizengamot that we were already engaged. I hope you know I had a much more in-depth plan to ask you to marry me one day. This has to do for now. 

Ginerva Molly Weasley, 

Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

I will send you something later today, start coming up with a better story of how we got engaged. I suspect that the Wizengamot will ask you. Do you think we could have done it in secret? We can tell your parents later. 

A Marriage Law (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now