Chapter 7

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It's been a week since the gang reunited and Bob wanted to be with Bosip. He wanted Bosip to be with him. (He ain't a crazy lover to bosip. He just wants to be with him and love him for real) 

Bosip been keeping distance from Bob and avoiding him. He never talks to Bob. He remembers how much he use to love him and being a total fraud to love a heartless male. He remembers and feels the slap of broken heart ever since. He ran away with Bobot and broken the rule of the coding.

"Never leave the file or else", he felt nothing but being a heart beaker. And denied all of his so call "crush" feelings no more. He felt betrayed by his best friend who slapped him and now hearts...broken into X's. His four marks on his two face cheeks now grew longer when they reached his eye, they were now tears of betray blackness. Treachery is all he felt and now he became the same treachery that the other Bob gang done to him and Bobot. Negativity is in the veins of the treachery shark demonic AI. He no longer trust anyone but his sibling figure Bobot.

 He understood Bobot and how he felt. 

All the love that he was gained from fans, his use to be family of the Bob gang and the smiles of his crush. And they blown away quickly when they ran away. Every times he felt something positive from someone other than Bosip or the staff members of the church, he would cry and keep telling himself to end it all. He hears the word "love" he would go crazy and go into watery love where he'll go "gently" and tear up. One side was his negative and the other was lustfulness. Bosip was there to support and always be there for him. He kept the promise and protect him when he was attack and the emotional damage as well. Lust was for him. Broken hearted wishing to be loved again, all feelings go to heat and deep into insanity.  All of hearts of people now to be wasted into his very hands. The side of his face melts for a new person to be broken like he was. 

(I was tearing up while writing or typing this :'3) 

Now back to the present (and hopefully that was some good info about how and why they became those sins) Amor was happy that his creations were all together again but one stood out. He noticed that Bosip wasn't being with Bob. He still holded the grunge against him. 

Then an idea came to him.  He knew how to get them back together but more closer. 

The next morning 

Bob's POV 

Ugh, my head. What happened...? I opened my eye and saw that I was in a hotel room but more luxuriously. But all colors were mostly darken to the all the lights off and there's food on the table and I think I see a fridge. I look more and saw pictures of... me and Bosip from the past!? Each one was when we were together and us being best friends like we were. 

Now I look back into the darken days that I was all alone and...sad. I felt horrible since he was gone. I would always cry whenever I look back see two rooms that were empty and I even hugged his old shirt for support but in reality...he won't be there for me anymore because of me. 

(I'm tearing up again ✊🏻ÚMÙ) 

I sit up from the bed and I looked at my body. I had blie gloves on and I was in a maid suit with my freaking chest cloth showing in a heart holded by a collar that said "bite me good" and a fluffy skirt that barely covers my a$$.

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